Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Daily 5

The current book I'm reading is The Daily 5: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades.  The Daily 5 is a student-driven management structure designed to fully engage students in reading and writing.  Mrs. Hammar (my cooperating teacher) absolutely loves the Daily 5 and centers her teaching philosophy and classroom management around the Daily 5 and its beliefs.  She gave me the book to read and I am absolutely loving it!  Let me give you a few more details about the Daily 5 and what it consists of...

The Daily 5 is a research-based, data driven management structure to create and produce the most effective reading and writing learning environment for all students.  It has 5 different components to its reading and writing structure.  Below...I have listed the 5 different components and its use in my classroom that I am student teaching in: 

**Note:   Each of these 5 components is considered a "workshop" in our classroom.  In each workshop there are 5-6 students working individually or in pairs to become better in their reading and writing.  It works fantastic!  I absolutely love the workshop model combined with the Daily 5 reading and writing components.  Read below to find out why these 5 components are useful in becoming a better reader and writer and how we are putting them to use in our classroom!

5 Components of the Daily 5:
description of the 5 components & 
the way we use them in our classroom:


1) Read to yourself: 

The best way to become a better reader is to practice each day, with books you choose, on your just-right reading level.  It soon becomes a habit.

In our class:
In our classroom, we are currently teaching the students three different ways to read a book.  As many of you know, many kindergartners cannot read when they begin school.  So, we teach them these three different ways to read a book so that they can get exposed to books and what books have to teach them.  The three different ways to read a book are: Read the words, Read the pictures, or Retell the story in your own words. The students love these different ways to read a book and we are currently having a competition with the other kindergarten classrooms to see how long we can complete the "Read to Self" workshop without ANY talking.  Our class is winning because our awesome kindergartners can read to themselves for 16 minutes and 49 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! They are SO PROUD and we are SO PROUD of them!!!! :)

      2) Read to someone:  

Reading to someone allows for more time to practice strategies, helping you work on fluency and expression, check for understanding, hear your own voice, and share in the learning community.

In our class:
Right now in Mrs. Hammar's class, we have not started the "Read to Someone" workshop because the students are focusing in on the three different ways to read a book.  Once this workshop begins, the students will be in pairs and will read books from their books boxes to one another to practice reading.

      3) Work on writing: 

Just like reading, the best way to become a better writer is to practice writing each day.

In our class:
Right now in our class for writing workshop, we are having the students use their dry erase markers and small, individual whiteboards to practice writing their name, letters, and words they see around the classroom!  They are doing so great with writing...but who doesn't love writing on whiteboards?! It was my favorite thing to do when I was in school! :)

      4) Listen to reading: 

We hear examples of good literature and fluent reading.  We learn more words, thus expanding our vocabulary and becoming better readers.

In our class:
Right now for the listen to reading workshop, we are having the students go onto the computers and put headphones on.  Then, we have navigated them to a website where the stories are read to them for free!  It is so awesome.  The students can pick their stories and it provides them with a great way to hear the book being read and also be able to see the pictures in the book.  Below is the website for this free story listening!  Check it out! :)

      5) Spelling/Word Work: 

Correct spelling allows for more fluent writing, thus speeding up the ability to write and get thinking down on paper.  This is an essential foundation for writers. 

In our class:
Currently, our students are not the best spellers so right now...we are having them use cookie sheets and magnetic letters to make words that they see around the classroom or we have given them flashcards that show their sight words that they can also practice spelling with the magnetic letters.  They love it!  Below is a picture of the magnetic letters being used on cookie sheets! (Thanks Pinterest!!) :)

That is a little description of the Daily 5 and what it all entails.  It is an awesome management and workshop strategy and I encourage every aspiring teacher to check it out.  I was a little confused with Mrs. Hammar's teaching strategies when I first started student teaching with her...but after beginning this book it all makes perfect sense and I absolutely LOVE IT! :) The students do awesome during workshops and the 5 components could not be better focused on during workshops.  It is phenomenal!  

Until next time...stay safe.  Have a great weekend everyone! :)

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