Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First day of student teaching in Chicago!!

Hey all!

Positive note:  I am officially a resident of Chicago for the next 8 weeks....YAY ME! :)

Negative note:  Already loving the city life but the price of gas and the prices for groceries are definitely going to be something to get used to!!

Now that I'm done with the negatives, I will tell you about my first day of student teaching in Chicago!!

As I said before...I am in a preschool class at William H. Brown Elementary School.  The school is located in downtown Chicago but it doesn't feel like I'm downtown at all once I'm in the school...besides hearing trains all day long :)!  Definitely having a great experience already!!

I left Brie's apartment at about 6:15 this morning because I had no idea what to expect for traffic...It ended up taking me about 40 minutes to get to school so I arrived a bit early...but better early than late!  I had met my teacher a couple weeks ago, so I didn't have to go through the meeting process again today!  We got right to work and got the classroom ready for the day!  My cooperating teacher is so sweet and she is full of energy!  I love it!  For those of you who don't know...the classroom that I am student teaching in is a half day program preschool.  This means that we have two different preschool classes (an AM and a PM class).  The AM class is at school from 7:45-10:30 and the PM class is at school from 12:30-3:15.  From 10:30-12:30, Ms. Thoresen and I can plan, prepare the classroom, and also eat lunch.  I love the half day preschool already!

Today at school was an early dismissal we only had the AM preschool class today.  The preschoolers showed up to school at 7:45 and we began our day at about 8:00.  The students stayed until 10:30, and then Ms. Thoresen and I sat down to chat, catch up, and she told me alot of information!  It was all much needed information and I am glad she is so organized and prepared with everything!  Our teaching styles are definitely the same! :)

Overall, I had a great first day and I am looking forward to the next 8 weeks.  The commute kind of stinks but it's just part of city life and I'll have to get used to it!  I will definitely be keeping you updated and I can't wait to tell you all the amazing stories that happen within the next 8 weeks!

There is a quick overview of my first day...I know it's not much but I'm in need of some much needed relaxation time so I will be blogging again soon!

Until next time...stay safe and thanks for listening! <3 Love and miss you all!

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