Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dr. Seuss Week!

Dr. Seuss Week! (March 4-8)

Each week, I am responsible for planning an entire week of activities centered around one theme.  This past week, I planned activities around the "Dr. Seuss" theme.  As many of you know, kids LOVE Dr. Seuss and it seemed like the appropriate time to celebrate Dr. Seuss because his birthday was on March 2nd!

This past week was filled with many different activities!! Below are some of the activities we completed.  Most are displayed on bulletin boards or out in the hallways because I have not gotten permission from parents to post student pictures on my blog.  I am sorry, but artwork will have to do for now! :)

This first picture is an art project that was related to the Dr. Seuss book, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.  I prepared a fish bowl for the students and they used fish stamps to stamp the different colored fish over the different words from the book.  After their fishbowl dried, they then cut out their fishbowl and my wonderful assistant, Miss Ana, made this adorable wall decoration outside our door in the hallway!  The parents and students LOVE it!  I have at least one parent compliment it every day!  They love seeing their children's artwork :)!

This second picture was our Cat In The Hat fruit kabobs that were made on Friday.  The students love making snacks that are related to our theme, so I bought strawberries and bananas and sliced them for the students.  Then, we worked on patterning (math) where they strung on two bananas, one strawberry, two bananas, one strawberry, etc. to make the Cat In The Hat colored pattern!  They loved this snack activity!  After they were finished making them, we had them for snack!  Healthy and fun activity for the students and easy clean-up for the teachers ;)!

This last picture is a foot painting activity that I prepared for the students to do that was related to The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss.  This art activity was a little hectic with each child painting their OWN foot and then stamping it down on a template I had made them, but they loved painting their foot and it's not something we do alot because it does take alot of time!  However, this activity fit perfectly with the book and I couldn't help but have a little bit of fun during Dr. Seuss week!  It's what Dr. Seuss is all about! :)  After the students made their footprints, I then cut out their feet and made a bulletin board in the classroom for all of them to see.  I also wrote their names on their feet for them so they would know which one was their's when looking at it in the classroom!  Isn't it so cute?! :)

We did alot of different activities during Dr. Seuss week and not all of them were art activities.  Being in preschool means more than just doing art activites.  I prepared a letter of the week (s for seuss) which we studied all week.  We also focused alot on rhyming because rhyming is a big part of Dr. Seuss books, and we also focused on patterning for the week because I am expected to include math, literacy, and reading activities each week that are centered around one theme.

I hope you all enjoyed reading about our Dr. Seuss week in preschool.  It was alot of fun and it will be one that I never forget!  The students enjoyed it and the teachers enjoyed it as well.  It made for a fun week and I'm getting very excited to celebrate our next theme which is St. Patrick's Day!

I hope you all have a great week. Thanks for listening and until next time, stay safe <3!

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