Thursday, June 6, 2013

What's Your Superpower?

Last week in preschool, we explored a favorite theme of my preschoolers, SUPERHEROES!!! Oh my, were they ever excited?! Needless to say, the week went great and now I am here to share all of the experiences and memories with you!  So listen in, you're in for superhero school ride!

On Monday, I introduced the term superhero and the term hero to the students!  I really wanted my students to understand the difference between a superhero and an actual real hero.  My students made a great discovery, stating the superheroes are fake and heroes are real!  I think this was the best explanation the students could give regarding their age and understanding of superheroes versus heroes.  In order to further their learning on this concept, I had the students complete a Superhero vs. Hero picture sort.  There were pictures of Superheroes, such as Spiderman & Superman and also pictures of real heroes, such as firefighters and policemen.  The students had to cut the pictures out and then sort the pictures according to whether they thought the picture was a superhero or a hero.  This activity went really well and the students thoroughly enjoyed it!

Later in the week, I gave the students a chance to create their OWN SUPERHERO!  The directions for this activity were: 1)Illustrate a picture of your own superhero. 2)Think of a superhero name. 3) Think of a superpower for your superhero.  These drawings turned out so cute!  The students did so well with them.  I modeled this activity for them before letting them loose on their own and they loved mine and were very excited to do their own.  I didn't get any pictures taken, but some of my favorite "superheroes" that were created in the Bear Room were "Lowrey, the King" where he could shoot lightning from his hands and "Waffle" where she could shoot out waffles for people to eat!  The students were so creative with this activity and they just loved it!

On Friday, I gave the students a chance to make their own SUPERHERO MASK!  Oh my, were they loving me on Friday!! :)  I gave them each a template of a mask to color and add glitter to...yes, GLITTER!  (Miss Brittane was very loved on Friday for this!)  During recess/snack time we let the masks dry and then helped the students put their masks on by tying two strings to their mask in order to tie around their head.  They turned out so cute and it was so fun to see them acting like superheroes!  It was definitely a fun Friday activity! :)

Using glue so they could sprinkle glitter on their masks!

Superhero masks!

My girly superheroes :)!
Last but not least, to truly let the students understand the difference between a superhero and a hero, an idea was brought up in my class that was truly remarkable and eye opening for me as a teacher.  One of my students has an uncle that is currently serving in the Army and is in Afghanistan.  She stated this fact before to me as well as the day we talked about real heroes that we knew.  She is so proud of her uncle and from this comment brought up in our classroom, the Bear Room decided to put together a 'care package' for this soldier (the uncle of my student) and send it to Afghanistan for him to receive and see the appreciation and love from his niece and her peers.  So, the plan I had for the week changed, but I was completely okay with that, knowing that we were going to make a difference in somebody's life!  Check out our 'Superhero-themed' care package below!!! :)

'Superhero-themed' care package for the soldier in Afghanistan!

Hands-Up for Our Heroes! (student creations!)
Overall, the superhero-themed week went over awesome!  My preschoolers are in love with superheroes such as Iron Man, Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc. and it was so fun to see them learn through this theme...completing academic material but in a fun and engaging way.  This week showed me exactly what preschool is all about....having fun and learning through student interest areas.  They truly learn the best when they are intrigued and engaged with what they are doing.

Thank you all for listening...and until next time, stay safe. <3

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