Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Kind Kids Club!

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all having a great week!  I can't believe we only have 2 days until Christmas Break!  This week at school has been so much fun, and the students and I have been SUPER busy preparing for Christmas, making gifts for others and parents, preparing for the Christmas concert, etc! :)

But, what this post is really about is the Kind Kids Club?! Are you in the Kind Kids Club?! Well, the entire 2nd grade at Clarksville Elementary is in the Kind Kids Club and has been participating in the 12 Days of Kindness!  Let me update you on what's been happening in this awesome club!

At the beginning of the 12 days, the students had to "apply" to get into the Kind Kids Club!  They had to fill out an application and talk about what it means to be kind and how they can be kind to others!  Now, they had to be on the right track in order to be in the club...and whew! They ALL made it!  Congrats 2nd graders, you are AWESOME!

Kind Kids Application! :)

I loved this application! :)
So, now that all the students are in the club, we have been doing a Random Act of Kindness each day in 2nd grade.  These random acts have included Thank You's to teachers, librarians, cooks, donors (from our grant), and many more!  We have also done easy Random Acts such as simply saying "Good Morning" or "Hello" to people you see in the classroom and in the hallway! (This was a HUGE one for me to have them work on because every morning I say good morning to them, and they just walk by..but NOW they always say it and I love it!)  I believe it's very important to acknowledge others because it shows you truly care about them and are thinking about them.  We have also done things like hand out candy canes to teachers as well as make a "Snowman Surprise" where students had the chance to make a snowman out of a Styrofoam cup and then write about why they decided to make it for that person!

I know I'm probably forgetting some others that we have done, but the kids have really enjoyed the last 10 days of this Kind Kids Club and the random acts they have been doing.  I think it's really important that young children see that you can give to others without receiving anything in return.  They have noticed that it's so easy to do a random act, even simply just sharpening another friend's pencil or putting their homework in their mailbox without them knowing.  It's so neat to see in the last couple weeks how many kind things each of my students is doing every day.  They are such gifted and nice children and I'm so lucky to have them in my class.

Now, even though the students haven't been receiving anything back for their Random Acts, we actually did receive something in the mail the other day at school which was a complete SURPRISE and could not have come at a better time.  I went to check my mailbox and in it I found an envelope addressed to myself with no return address.  I didn't think much of it and didn't open it for awhile until recess time.  Then, I opened it and in it found a blank card with a $50 gift card to Teachers Pay Teachers (website where I get many fun class lessons for my students) and no signature.  I have NO IDEA who it's from but tears came to my eyes.  It is literally UNBELIEVABLE how gracious and giving people are in this world.  I had tears and my students totally noticed....they asked me what was going on and I told them and it could not have been a better teaching moment.  So, whoever you are out there that provided myself and my students with this gift card to get more teaching materials, I cannot thank you ENOUGH!  I just have no words to express my feelings of appreciation.  It is simply just amazing.

Our gift from an anonymous person! THANK YOU!!!
The last three weeks of school have just been unbelievably great.  It is something about the Christmas season that just makes everyone smile and feel happy.  I am so grateful to have the rewarding job that I do and have the amazing students that I do.  They have opened up to me and we can be silly and laugh, but then can be serious and get work done.  I have an amazing group of students and the Kind Kids Club has made them even better than they were before.

Thank you all for listening...and until next time, stay safe! <3

Stay tuned for updates about our school Christmas program and Christmas Party! :)

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