Wednesday, August 26, 2015

New Adventures Await...

My job is to take the stars in, and shine them
and buff them and then send them out to the sky.
Leah Becks

Hey everyone!

Welcome to my new blog look...
could anyone figure out why I wanted to change my look?

You're right...!

I have officially began my teaching career at the Mason City Community School District in Mason City, Iowa.  This school district is MUCH larger than the district I was in before, so it's been an adjustment and overwhelming at times, but I know it is exactly the direction I was meant to go in!  I'm having a blast and have officially completed 5 days out of 9 days of meetings! WOOHOO! :) 

For those of you who don't know, I will be teaching 1st grade at Roosevelt Elementary within the Mason City School District.  Along with myself, there are four other 1st grade teachers and they are great!  They have been very helpful in this process of getting ready for a new year and helping me with a new transition into a new grade.  I am so excited for this journey and I can't wait to get started.

I'm going to leave you with a little poem we received at Teacher Orientation Day that literally almost brought me to tears...I hope you all enjoy this poem as much as I did, because it describes my profession perfectly, and I can't wait to hang it up right next to my desk.
The Star Polisher

I have a great job in the universe of occupations.  What do I do?  I'm a "star polisher."
It's a very important job.  If you want to know how important, just go out at night and look at the stars twinkling and sparkling.
You see, I'm a teacher.  The stars are the children in my class.  My job is to take them in - in whatever shape they come - and shine and buff them and then send them out to take their places as bright little twinkling beacons in the sky.
They come into my room in all shapes and sizes.  Sometimes they're bent, tarnished, dirty, crinkly, and broken.  Some stars are cuddly, soft, and sweet.  Some stars are prickly and thorny.
As I buff, polish, train and teach my little stars, I tell them that the world cannot do without them.  I tell them they can do anything they set their minds to do.  I tell them they can be the brightest, shiniest stars in the sky, and the world will be a better place because of them.
Each night as I look at the sky, I'm reminded of my very important job and awesome responsibility.  I go and get my soft buffing cloth and my bottle of polish in preparation for tomorrow and for my class of little stars.

Stay tuned to see a classroom tour and to find out who our school mascot is....... :)

Thank you all for listening, and until next time...stay safe. <3

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