Tuesday, December 29, 2015

October - Bees, Shapes, Ouch, and MORE!

Wow, time is flying and I can't believe I'm already on Christmas break.

I now feel like I can finally catch you up on what has been happening in my classroom the past three months!

So stick with me, I promise you, you're in a for a good time!

October 2015

In October, my month was filled with Halloween activities, fall activities, and did I forget..HARVEST TIME!  Busy time at school and even busier time at home but it was so much fun!

During this month, we focused alot on insects in Science.  We had a chance to explore bees and everything about them.  We even had a visitor come talk to us about his honeybee business!

For math during October, we also focused on 2d and 3d shapes as well as fractions!

Sorting 3D Foods!

Fraction Cookies  - Equal & Unequal Parts

Cutting Play Doh shapes into equal and unequal parts!

2d shapes -How many different ways can you build a hexagon?
For writing, we got even better at narrative writing than we were before and the "OUCH" activity was our favorite writing because we got a band aid if we did a good job! WOW! or should I say "OUCH!"

For Social Studies, we focused on Community Helpers and Fire Safety.  We had firefighters come talk to us and the kiddos LOVED it! They were FULL of questions! :)

Mason City firefighters talking to 1st grade!
Mason City fire chief talking to Roosevelt students!
For Health and Wellness, we celebrated Live Healthy Day and went on a walk outside! :)  The students loved this fresh breath of air and exploring around our school.

We also celebrated Halloween with a fun Halloween party!  We made snacks, ping pong ball jack-o-lanterns, and we also got to frost our own cookies! WOW! :)

Frosting cookies!
Parents came and brought an activity!
Ping Pong Jack o Lanterns!
Leaf Man treats!
October was full of fun and tons of projects as you can see! Sorry for the late post!

Thanks for listening and until next time, stay safe.

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