Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thanksgiving Break in 5 days?!?!

Hey everyone!

Wow, this month has seriously flown by!  Why is our year going by so quickly?! Ahh! Slow down school year, I have too much to teach these little ones yet! :)

Catch up on a quick photo tour of the past couple weeks! After all, that's what parents love to see! ;)

First:  We have been learning about main ideas and details in stories, and relating it to a table.  Without legs, can a table stand up? No.  Well, without details, can a story be a story? No.  (Aka: Main Idea = Table, Details = Legs) :)  To make this teaching "Thanksgiving" themed, I had the students write their main idea of their turkey about their "Thanksgiving Day" and then the details focused on what they did during their Thanksgiving Day!  The students were very creative and it was fun to hear all the different traditions in every family! :)  Check out the photo below :)

Second:  We of course had to do a FUN Thanksgiving project, so I read to the students the book: Turkey Trouble!  This book discusses how the turkey tries to disguise himself so he won't get eaten for Thanksgiving dinner.  The students loved this book and they absolutely LOVED disguising their turkeys and writing about how they disguised them!  I have alot of them to share so just please laugh and enjoy them with me because they are too cute! :)

We had a mouse, cupcake, Batman, Luigi, and of course Elsa!  There were many more but these students did so wonderful on coming up with the idea on their own that I just had to share! :)

Third:  We learned NEW learning games on the computers! :)  Learning games on the computer are a hit in my classroom and students love being engaged on the computers and it's promoting educational success on the computers as well as 21st century skills!  I'm very open to my students being on computers because this world is definitely changing and in 10 years, there may not even be a pen or paper! Who knows :)  Some different games I introduced were Synonym games, a Compound Word game, and a Sound Sort game!  They love them along with the usual Sight Word games and Math Fruit Shoot!

Hopefully this blog post finds you doing wonderful and made you smile.  I promise even though I don't blog all the time, we are super busy in 2nd grade and the students are learning like crazy! :)

Thank you all for listening, and until next time, stay safe!

Oh, by the way, did I mention we got SNOW?!?!?  The kids LOVE it and this pile of snow blocks is the HOT item at recess time! I had to snap a picture of it because it's ALL they play with :)

Who knew a pile of snow chunks could be such a big deal?! :)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fun Update on a Crazy Week! :)

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend and all got that extra hour of sleep!  Our kiddos and teachers all got a three day weekend because of parent teacher conferences which leads me to my first item of business:

We had 100% attendance at parent teacher conferences for my class! How exciting is that?! So, thank you to all of you awesome parents who took out 15 minutes of your crazy, busy life schedule and took time to truly care about your kiddos and come and listen to what I had to say (since I pretty much did all the talking I feel!) :)

Last week was such a crazy week! We had so many different things going on but the kiddos did awesome!

We celebrated Red Ribbon Week, which promotes saying No to drugs!  We had some fun dress up days which the kids loved! We had mismatch day, neon day, mustache day, and crazy hair day!  Check out our cute mustache class picture below along with our door decoration for the week! They LOVED the mustaches for about 30 minutes! :)

Red Ribbon Week Door Decoration! :)

My "mustache" kiddos! So cute! :)
On Halloween morning, the Clarksville police officers came to visit each classroom to talk to the kids about safety during trick or treating and then gave them a glow stick to wear the night of trick or treating!  I absolutely love that the police officers come every year to discuss rules and safety during trick or treating. It just shows how close knit of a community Clarksville is!  We want to keep everyone safe, no matter where they are at! :)

Clarksville police officer discussing safety during trick or treating! :)
We also celebrated Halloween on Thursday afternoon which obviously calls for some great treats and some great quality time together as a class making a craft!  Check out the pictures below to see what was all included in our Halloween party!

Frankensteinn Dirt Cups! :) How adorable! :) (From Sam)

Spooky Ghost Brownies (from Miss N)
Skeleton Stuffed Hands (From Landon)

Owl Craft made out of pinecones! :)
Overall we had a great crazy week of activities including Parent Teacher Conferences, Red Ribbon Week, Halloween, a tornado drill, an assembly, and so much more! Lots of stuff packed into 4 crazy days but hey, we survived and had a great week!

And before I leave you, I must post my sister and I in our Halloween costumes, because adults dress up too! :)

Green Lantern & Flash! :)
Thank you all for listening, and until next time...stay safe! <3 Happy November! :)