Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Turkey Day Update!

Hi everyone!

I am sorry I have been MIA (missing in action) on my blog lately...I really have no excuse except I've been busy with family, baking, shopping, wrapping presents, decorating, and oh ya...teaching! :) Let me quickly update you on our Thanksgiving celebration in 2nd grade, and then my next post will be ALL about Christmas and Winter and how 2nd grade is gearing up for the holidays! :)

The day we let out for Thanksgiving break, my students and I enjoyed some nice Thanksgiving activities!  Our biggest focus for the day was on Native Americans, where each student was in a group of two or three kids and had the chance to research about a specific Native American tribe and present their poster and information to the class! :)  They LOVE using the internet for research and getting to make a poster was a HUGE excitement for them....and oh ya, they got to use Miss N's markers! WOAH! It's the little things with this class and that's why I love them so much! :)

Here is the link the students used to research their Native American tribe:

And below are the students with their posters of the Native American tribe they researched! :)

Cherokee Tribe

Kutchin Tribe

Navajo Tribe

Wampanoag Tribe

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and got to enjoy all the many blessings of this holiday....including stuffing yourself FULL of turkey!

Fun fact for all of you...
I do not eat turkey and am still a HUGE fan of chicken nuggets on Thanksgiving :)

And here is one man I am so thankful I met this year....:)

Kyle & I on Thanksgiving Day!
Thank you all for listening, and until next time...stay safe! <3

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