Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day Frenzy!

Says the first day of school perfectly.
The first day of school is over, and I can truly tell you that by the end of this year, this class will be a family.  They already get along great and are so excited to be at school.  I can't wait to begin this journey of a year with these students! The day flew by and the kids were so well behaved I just couldn't believe it!  I have an AWESOME group of kids this year and I absolutely can't wait to explore the next 179 days with them.  When you put it in that perspective, that's really not that many days to teach everything there is to teach to those little ones' and their growing brains! Let the rollercoaster of a ride begin in 2nd grade! :)

So, let's start off with the first day of 2nd grade!

**Note, I will not blog about every single day of school because that may be alot, but I will try and update you about every week on what we are doing in 2nd grade! :)

This morning, the students entered the room and had the chance to complete their first 2nd grade project!  We did a "What's the Scoop?" activity, where each student filled out an ice cream cone about themselves!  It was a great way for them to learn about each other, but also remind us that it is still the summer season, and on a hot day like today, ice cream would've tasted great! :)  Check out the pictures below to see the students completing this activity!

Morning Directions as the entered the room...the picture directions were a huge help for the kids! :)

One of my students sharing his ice cream cone with the class!

Class display on the window! :)

Chalkboard clips to display the students' work!
After completing "What's the Scoop?" activity, we had a nice chat about classroom rules and also completed a classroom tour so the kids could find out what was all in their 2nd grade room!  Again, the students were so well behaved at this time, and at one point throughout the day, one student reminded me that my noise level chart was on the wrong level...she is so on top of it! New teacher coming right up folks!? Such a cutie and said it so politely. :)  It's those things that happen throughout the day that help remind me that I am in the perfect career for myself! I just LOVE kids. :)

2nd Grade's noise chart! :)
The students then attended lunch and recess, where they ate corn dogs and then wore them off by playing lots and lots of tag on the playground!  They came in and they were SWEATY! Such a warm day but they had the best attitudes and I allowed them lots of drinks as they were VERY thirsty! :)

Once math time arrived, we completed a "Math About Me" activity, where the students got a chance to put their young lives into numbers.  Such a fun activity and a great activity for me to see where exactly their math skills are at!  The project turned out SUPER CUTE! See pictures below :)

Class display!

Up Close of what was on the Math About Me sheet :)
After this activity, the students got to go to their first "special" as 2nd graders, and that special was Music.  They came back and were smiling, so I think they had a fun time!

After the last recess, the kiddos returned and we started our Teacher Read Aloud book.  This fall/winter, I am going to have the students do an author study over Beverly Cleary, so today we began reading Beezus and Ramona!  Over the next few months, we will be reading different books written by this author and discussing similarities and differences.  This provides a little more reasoning for read aloud books and helps the kids stay motivated when I am reading for the 20-30 minutes :)!

Read Aloud book!
After this, the students and I went over Journal expectations and then they got a chance to write in their journal about their favorite part of the first day in 2nd grade!  I heard numerous responses such as, meeting their teacher, getting a classroom tour, recess, but MOST importantly, we named our class fish, and this was on quite a few of their responses!

They were SO excited to name the class fish...and as I reveal the name, I hope you all smile as you can imagine us voting for this name...MAX!  The three options nominated from the students were Max, Speedy, and Fred, but Max was the winning vote! :)  This was by far one of the most fun parts of the day was voting for the pet fish name! Haha :)

Well, I hope this updates you on what happened on the first day of 2nd grade in Miss Nederhoff's room!  Thank you all for listening and until next time, stay safe...and cool! <3

It's going to be a hot week folks!  Dress your kiddos accordingly! :)

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