Saturday, August 16, 2014

New Year, New Kids, New Memories! :)

This year, I am making a promise to myself that I am going to be a faithful blogger, but I have to say, being a first year teacher last year was a whirlwind and at times and I was just trying to keep my head above water. This year is going to be different.  I am going to be better at keeping everyone in my life updated as to what is going on in my life and career as well as the parents of the students in my classroom! So here it goes!

Welcome to a New Year, New Kids, and New Memories in  Miss Nederhoff's 2nd Grade! :)

I always start off the year with showing my room setup!  Hopefully this informs all of you as to what my room looks like and for parents, it gives you a good idea of what's going to be going on in 2nd grade!

Let the classroom tour begin!!! :)

Front left corner of my room
Includes the teacher table where the students will meet me during Daily 5 time!

Front middle of the room
Includes the daily bulletin boards, whiteboard and projector, and of course the student's desks! :)

This is the calendar area.
We will do calendar EVERY DAY because I think it's very important the students know this basic information!

Word & Number of the Day
Each day we will be doing a Word of the Day and a Number of the Day!
Front right corner of the room
Includes the teacher area, job chart, rules, and the I CAN board. (more to come about that later!)

Rules Wall! :)

Classroom Helpers chart!
Each Monday, the students will be able to pick a job if their picture is on the whiteboard! :)
Back left corner of the room
Includes the student's mailboxes, writing center for Daily 5 time, word wall, clip chart, and birthday board! :)

Back middle of the room
Includes the turn in paper area, the class fish!, main bulletin board, reading counts clip chart, and computer center! :)

Close up of the computer center, I'm in love with the fabric and the light! Makes it more homey! :)

Back right corner of the room
This is the Word Work area where students will be working during Daily 5 time!

Class Library!!!
This is the class library, and by far my most favorite part of the year!
 I added a couple rugs along with my homemade rocking chair my dad and I painted this year!!!
 So proud of how it turned out! :)
Overall, my classroom turned out exactly how I wanted it!  It's a lot different this year but there were a lot of changes I was wanting to make and I think the classroom is set up in a more organized fashion this year and easier accessible to students!  It was a lot of work before beginning school, but truthfully, I love decorating and organizing so I enjoyed every minute of it!

Thank you for joining in on the classroom tour and I hope you all approve of how my room is setup! :)

Thanks for listening, and until next time...stay safe! :)

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