Sunday, April 28, 2013

I'm 23!

Happy Birthday to ME! :)
This weekend, I was able to celebrate my 23rd birthday with not only 30 preschoolers on Friday, but my whole family (besides Brie) at home on Friday night - Sunday!  I had an awesome birthday weekend that was filled with many fun filled events!

On Friday, I met a friend uptown to have a few drinks and then headed home to see my whole family (Mom, Dad, Brooke, Paul, and of course, little Emma!) On Friday night, we just hung out and talked and then went to bed to rest up for the rest of the weekend.

Saturday morning, Mom, Brooke, and I woke up and decided to go to garage sales in Conrad (nearby town) to see what we could find.  Brooke was able to find a few daycare clothes for Emma and I invested in a new UNI sweatshirt for $2!  What a bargain!  Then we came home and enjoyed sloppy joes for dinner and hung out the rest of the afternoon.  Dad was busy in the fields (because it was finally nice) and when he arrived home, I FINALLY got to open my birthday presents!!! From Mom and Dad, I got a new coffee table, a few pieces of Tupperware, a set of Pampered Chef Microwave bowls, and money for a new Vera Bradly duffel bag.  From Brooke, Paul, & Emma, I received a new wallet/clutch, an apron (so excited for this!), and money for my new duffel bag.  It was a fantastic birthday and I LOVED all my gifts.  After opening presents, we decided to go out to eat as a family for my birthday!  We went to Matt's Bar & Grill in Parkersburg, IA!  The food was delicious! :) I splurged and had a hamburger steak! Yummy!!! :)  Saturday night we came home and enjoyed birthday cake.  Check out the pictures below!

Brooke & I on the way to Matt's Bar & Grill!

My beautiful niece and I :)

I even let her dig in my cake ;) Spoiled little girl!
On Sunday, we woke up and attended church as a family.  We even got to sit by Paul, Brooke, & Emma during church ;)!  After church we went to my Grandpa Nederhoff's to enjoy some amazing cake that Brooke had made and enjoy each other's company (aka: Emma was the center of the show...such a doll!).  After lunch was over, we came home to enjoy a nice dinner.  Mom cooked pork chops for the whole family (I had a pork burger), cheesy potatoes, corn, and a super yummy salad.  After we had lunch, we enjoyed the afternoon outside (laughing at Emma who was intrigued by our puppy, Molly).  Paul, Brooke, & Emma left around 3:00 and then I dragged Mom over to Pine Lake to go for an afternoon walk.  After returning home, I kept Mom on her toes and we decided to play a couple games of cribbage (and I won both!)

Overall, my birthday weekend could not have been better spent.  Being with my family is truly my favorite thing to do and I pick them every time over my friends.  They are just truly important to me and have been so supportive throughout my entire life.  They understand me, support me, but most importantly, love me for exactly the person I am.  I love them and I could not be more thankful for the past 22 years of my life.

Well, that wraps this post up, so thank you all for listening and until next time, stay safe! <3

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