Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bloomin' in the Bear Room!  I cannot believe it is already May.  This spring is just flying by!  However, with 80 degree weather one day and snowy weather's hard to believe it's Spring.  Imagine teaching that concept to preschoolers!!! Yep, it's been one difficult theme to teach to the students because they believe snow comes in the some of my kids still think it's winter!  So silly but so funny :)!

We have been spending ALOT of time talking about flowers in our classroom.  We covered different things such as different types of flowers, the different parts to a flower, and what a flower needs in order to survive.   We made beautiful sunflowers to hang in our classroom on our bulletin board.  These sunflowers are simply made out of paper plates and popsicle sticks!  We had the students first paint the paper plate yellow and the popsicle stick green.  After both pieces were dry, we then pulled them over to create the 'petals' of their flower by using a scissor and cutting into the paper plate.  Then they folded the corners of each petal over in order to give it the "flower look."  We then had the students tape the popsicle sticks on the back, glue their picture on and TA-DA! We had a sunflower!  :) So simple but so cute.  Check out the picture below!

We've been having a blast in the Bear Room and continue to cover a different theme each week.  Because last week was conferences, I have not had time to blog; therefore, I am beginning to catch up.  We also are having a 'Spring Cleaning' week in Preschool...aka: 'Catch up Miss Brittane' week :)!   We are doing lots of fun things this week such as finishing up Mother's Day presents (blog post soon to come) and Miss Ana's (my assistant) last day :(!!! So sad but no worries, I will blog about that as well!

Until then, enjoy this short post and have a great rest of the week!

Thank you all for listening and until next time, stay safe <3.

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