Sunday, August 18, 2013

Open House Night!

On Tuesday, August 13...I finally got to meet my 2nd grade kiddos!!! Woohoo!!!

The day at school on Tuesday consisted of a few meetings, followed by a lot of work in our classroom, followed by Open House from 3:30 to 5:30!  Needless to say, I was at school from 7:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the evening!!! It was a long day, but soooo much fun!!! :)

I started off my day by receiving "Good Luck" flowers from my entire family!!! (Dad, Mom, Paul, Brooke, Emma, Kevin, & Brie) :)  I am so thankful I have such a loving and supporting family...they have truly been there for me each step of my teaching journey and without them, I would not be this successful in my career.

"Good Luck" flowers from my family :)
Throughout the day, I continued working in my classroom...completing my first lesson plan (which the other teachers make fun of me for and I tell them I need to have a lesson plan in order to keep my mind going in the right direction!! :) )  I also finished getting open house things ready...nothing like waiting until the last minute :)

Also, on Tuesday came my first teacher-teacher memorable moment I will never forget.  It happened with the Kindergarten teacher, and it's a funny story that truly made me feel part of the 'school family' that I've always wanted to be a part of.  The story goes like this:  On Monday night, I placed a table I had in my classroom outside in the hallway, putting a note on it that said "Don't need."  The janitors told me if I put anything in the hallway I didn't want, they would move it to the basement, so that's what I did :)!  Well being a first year teacher, I was like, "Hey, I don't need this so I'm going to get rid of it..."  Wrong choice!!! Tuesday came and I wanted that table back...after rearranging of course...and my table was gone!!! No where to be found.  I was freaking out, because I really wanted that table back.  Well, turns out the Kindergarten teacher had taken it, which was perfectly okay because it was "up for grabs."  After I talked to her, she was like, "Well let's go look in the dungeon (aka..basement) to find you a table!"  Well, we found a table, but it was way too big for my what do we do...just take a guess!  Yep, you'll never guess.  We took a field trip to the Industrial Tech room, where I met for the first time the Industrial Tech teacher who proceeded to cut 5 inches off of each leg of the table so it would fit my kids perfectly :)  What a nice guy..and what a memory we made!  We walked back down to my room and everyone questioned us on our way back...saying..."You two look like you are up to NO GOOD!"  It was so funny, but such a memory and I will never forget it.  Needless to say, I learned my lesson and I will never get rid of something I don't want, until I really know whether I want or don't want it for sure! :)

That memory took about the last hour of my day, so by the time I got the table set up, it was Open House time!!! I met 12 of my 2nd graders, 3 students did not show.  They were very shy and I was worried because I am so used to loud kids and craziness from teaching preschool...I was worried that they didn't like me or didn't like the classroom, but my sister/mom reassured me that they were probably just really nervous! Followed in this post are pictures from Open House...including the Open House folder I used to introduce the students to the classroom and the treat for the students I provided!

You're of'fish'ally in 2nd grade! :)

The students completed a scavenger hunt in their new classroom, so I could get a chance to visit with parents and get to know them since I am new to the community.  Once they completed their scavenger hunt, the received the bag of goldfish as you see up above! :)
Overall, Open House night was a successful experience but I was very tired after the long day!  I then joined some teachers at Doc's (restaurant I live right behind) for some supper, came home and crashed!!! I was so tired but yet so anxious for the first day of school!  :)

That's all for now!  Thank you all for listening...and until next time, stay safe <3!

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