Monday, September 9, 2013

** Racing Into Reading Counts **

Welcome back everyone!  I mean, you can welcome me back to my own blog!  I am so sorry...I know, I procrastinate and then on these early out days....I get ambition to relax and blog!  :) So, listen in as I am going to inform you about our Reading Counts program!

So, everyone knows it's important...right?? Right!  Well, at Clarksville Elementary, we run a program called "Reading Counts" through Scholastic.  This reading program focuses on fluency, reading comprehension, but most importantly, self-confidence in reading by yourself.  Through our school system, each grade level has a different "point goal" that each student must meet...or at least try!  But most of them reach this simple goal, and also reach their own personal goal!!!

Before I go on....if you would like to read more about Reading Counts and what it all entails, follow this link:


52 points


Books are leveled by DRA Level, Guided Reading Level, or Lexile Level.  This is done by an automated system that automatically levels each book for us; however, the teachers get the joy of putting a sticker on each book to show what level of book it is.  Most second graders read books with either red or blue stickers on them (RED = 1st grade, BLUE = 2nd grade).


Each book is worth 1 or 2 points.

That equals either 52 books....or 26 books (depending on the reading level of the book).

Each student must pass the comprehension quiz about their book BY THEMSELVES! :)

Here are two students taking a Reading Counts Quiz!  Good Luck boys!!! :)

Say what, move a car?? Miss Nederhoff, what are you talking about!?  Yep, that's right.  I made a highway in our not a real highway guys!!! A fake highway, with stop signs for each point level.  Each time a student passes their test, they get to move their car a little closer to the stop sign award level.  Let me tell you, moving your car in 2nd grade is a BIG DEAL!!! :)

Racing Into Reading Counts Corner! :)  Looks like we have a traffic jam!!!  Get reading boys and girls! :)

Up close on the highway! :)
They also get their punch cards punched in their Reading Counts Folder.  This helps them remember how many punches they need until they reach another award level! :)


Each time a student reaches an award level, they will get a prize to reward them for their hard work and awesome reading skills!

10: Twizzler or Eraser

20: iPad Time

30: Chocolate or Pen

40: Free Ice Cream Cone from Sweet Trees (ice cream shop in town)

52: Free book from the classroom book order! :).....

and PIZZA PARTY at the end of the year for ALL the students in the Elementary 
who reach their Reading Counts goal! :)

Everyone knows reading is an important key to a child's education, but what fun is reading if you make them sit and read books with no incentives or motivators.  Let's all be honest, who read for fun in 2nd grade?? So, as a believer in making each child's education meaningful but fun and exciting, I came up with this idea for Racing Into Reading Counts to help motivate children to read and let them see how much fun it can be to read and actually understand what you're reading! :)

Teach a love for reading <3
I know that was a short summary of the Reading Counts program, but I don't want to bore you with all the awesome information I get to deal with on an everyday basis ;) Then, you might as well come do my job ;)!  If you have any questions about Reading Counts or how you can sponsor our Reading Counts program, please contact me!  We're always looking for volunteers, sponsors, but most of all, motivators to get this young generation of students excited about reading!

Thank you all for listening, and until next time...stay safe! <3

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