Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween Hoopla!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a fabulous Halloween weekend/Daylight Savings Day weekend!  I know I had a wonderful weekend, spending some time with friends as well as with my sisters and mom to go wedding dress shopping for Brie!  

Let me update you on our Halloween Party from Thursday! :)

The day was a little crazy, my kiddos were very excited for their Halloween party...needless to say...we didn't get a lot of learning done! Oops :)!  I guess that happens though and every once and awhile, it's okay to have a fun day!  :)

I opened the party day up with a writing prompt about what costume they were going to wear for Halloween and why they chose that costume.  I decided to do this because the kids weren't allowed to wear their costumes to school (I was really disappointed :( ) and so I was anxious to hear what they were all going to be dressed up as and why they chose their costume!  So, we wrote about that for our daily journal writing :)!

We then continued our day on as normal, but we did do a fun riddle/puzzle together that they LOVED!  It even hurt my brain, but it was a fun team-building activity and they did really well with it!

After last recess (around 2:30), the kiddos came in and the party BEGAN!  We had a few students volunteer to bring in treats, drinks, and plates/napkins and then of course, I spoiled them with a treat as well! :)  During our Halloween Party, we watched "Halloween on Grinch Night" on YouTube and enjoyed our treats/drink.  After they were done eating, they had this crazy idea to decorate their paper plates, so being the nice teach I am...I let them :)  

Capri Suns, Lofthouse Sugar Cookies, Witch's hats (made out of fudge-striped shortbread cookies and Hershey's Kisses) and Miss Nederhoff's treat...PUPPY CHOW! :)

And of course, a Halloween pencil!!! :)

Once 3:00 rolled around, we began getting ready to go home and our Halloween Party was over.  The kids were sad...but Miss Nederhoff was kind of happy.  I was worn out!!! Those kiddos have so much energy some days :)  Needless to say, it was a fun-filled, energy-packed day...but we had fun!'s on to the next countdown...the countdown til Thanksgiving Break!  Woohoo! :)

23 Days!!!

Thank you all for listening...and until next time, stay safe. <3

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