Thursday, November 21, 2013

Whoooo's Even? Whoooooo's Odd?

A couple weeks ago, we talked about even and odd numbers in Math...and if you know me, you know I love owls!  So, of course, since I love owls...I was creative and found a project I could FINALLY do with owls!  I've been waiting so long and finally....just finally I came up with the CUTEST idea and it turned out PERFECT!  Ahh, so cute!

We made Even and Odd owls!

Obviously, the even owls were all made the same, following a certain template and all the colors were the same.

Then, the odd owls is where the students' creativity got to come in and they used their imagination to make their ODDEST owl!  They LOVED this activity :)

And who wouldn't put them on a bulletin board?! I mean c'mon, look at those cute things!  And yes, they are still up in my classroom and I really don't want to take them down :(!

Hope you enjoyed our even and odd owls!  Definitely one of my most favorite moments in 2nd grade YET!

Thank you all for checking in and until next time, stay safe! <3

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