Monday, October 28, 2013

Luke? Shadow? Can you say zoo?!

What's an elementary classroom without a few animals...???

Is it a zoo...?

Well, most people who walk in my room are beginning to think so, and no, not because I have 15 crazy, smiling, fun and loving 2nd graders....:) 

...but because of our class pets..that have been with us for about a month now!  Time flies when you're having fun and figuring out how to control these pets in our classroom! :)  

Recently in the Waterloo Courier, there was an article about a Wartburg professor who rents out class pets to different schools in the Cedar Valley area, so I looked into it...and yep, went through with it! 

Read up on the Waterloo Courier article here:  

About a month ago, we had a leopard gecko join our classroom.  His name was voted on...and the name that was decided on was Luke!  So Luke, our leopard gecko.  No, he is not mine to keep...thank goodness!!! This gecko has been an adjustment to my life style as well as my classroom's life style.  Needless to say, to keep this lovely little guy alive, we have to feed it LIVE food.  Thanks to a few different people, this gecko has been able to stay alive and thanks to me!  I have done nothing but replenish the water :)!  I don't do well with bugs! :)

Luke enjoys hiding in his flower pot home!  
He doesn't come out much but we still know he loves 2nd grade :)!

Here is Mr. Luke eating live crickets!! :)

Also, I went garage-saling about a month ago and got a cute little fish tank, so I decided to buy a Beta Fish for our classroom.  I thought the fish would do well in our classroom and I could manage feeding it because 1) It doesn't take live food.... and 2) He stays in his cage and just simply swims :)  We also voted on the fish's name...and his name was decided on Shadow!  Shadow has been an easier adjustment to my classroom and I's he doesn't take much upkeeping and simply sits where everyone can see him easily!  Now, it is not my job to feed this little guy...but the teacher helper's job!  So each week, we have a teacher helper, and they are in charge of feeding Shadow and keeping him alive :)!

Shadow is a bit more low maintenance compared to Luke.  
Shadow takes after his owner! :)  

Needless to say, it is not a zoo in 2nd grade but it has been a fun experience for my students to have these animals in our room.  Shadow will be staying with us all year; however, the leopard gecko will be leaving us on Friday because it is time for him to return back to his buddies ;) Or that's what I'm telling my kids! :)  

Hope you enjoyed the pictures, the zoo update, but it's time for this girl to get some sleep!  Parent teacher conferences tomorrow until 8:00! Yay me! :)

Thanks all for listening...and until next time..stay safe <3! 

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