Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Fall! :)

Wow!  Can we ask for better weather lately?! Who can't be happy in this beautiful fall weather!?

I know I have been on top of the world the past couple has been going great, my students have been amazing, and seeing all the farmers our harvesting just makes a farmer's daughter smile :).  Anyways, enough about this beautiful fall weather...let me show you how my 2nd grade class has decorated our classroom to celebrate Fall and Halloween!!! :) The kiddos KNOW I LOVE fall!  They even tell me now, "We know you love fall, don't you Miss Nederhoff?"  :)

 Enjoy the pictures and Happy Fall!!! :)

Our "Fall Into Reading" Corner!  This bulletin board is set up in the library corner of the classroom, where the students get to put their name and the book they read on a leaf and then hang it on the wall! :)  They LOVE it and I told them if they fill all the white, Miss Nederhoff will bring special treats!  
They have until the 1st day of Winter...December 21st!  :)

Our scarecrow decorations!! I got this idea from Pinterest and just couldn't resist!  Although it wasn't completely related to my curriculum, sometimes you just have to stray away from the curriculum and have a little fun!  And the kids LOVE being artists!! :) They are so creative, 
but I did encourage them to "Think Fall" when they colored...aka: Use fall colors :)!

What kind of pet does a spider make??? This was a creative writing activity that I did with my students!  They didn't turn out quite as well as I wanted them, but hey, you have to try otherwise you never know what could happen!  :)  These spiders are located in the back of my room on the long, skinny bulletin board!  
I never got a picture, oops! :)

Hope you all enjoyed the Fall/Halloween themed pictures and decorations in our classroom!  :) 

Not only am I celebrating Fall in my classroom, but we all know that fall means visiting pumpkin I got a chance to visit the pumpkin patch with my family (Mom, Brooke, Paul, & Emma and also made a trip with my friend Kelly when she came to good ole Clarksville to visit!)  

Emma & I collecting pumpkins :) She's so stinkin' cute!

One of my gorgeous friends and I getting our pumpkins!  
We had so much fun for the night she came to visit!  
Truly a great friend and such a sweet, sweet girl! :)

Happy Fall everyone!!! Thank you all for reading...and until next time, stay safe <3. 

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