Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Fun!

I went to visit my sister last weekend in Chicago...not only did I visit my sister, but I got to visit the school I will be student teaching at in two weeks!!! Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot even describe how excited I let me fill you in on my most eventful and memorable weekend! :)

I hopped on the Mega Bus in Iowa City at 7:10 on Thursday to Chicago around 11:30 Thursday night.  My sister had found that the school I am student teaching at is only 2 miles away from Union Station (where I get dropped off at) so we decided to brave the community and go check out my school!  Here's a picture of my school from the night we went and checked it out.  It's a little dark, but at least you can put a picture to school when I talk about it from now on :)  Doesn't it look like my old elementary school in Wellsburg?! :)

William H. Brown School of Technology - Chicago, Illinois

I had planned with my teacher from the school to come in and meet her, the kids, and get a tour of the school.  Let me first tell you...Friday was the most eventful day I have had in quite awhile :).  Friday morning, I woke up at 5:45.  SO EARLY.  My eyes don't see that time very often :).  Anyways, woke ready...and I was on my way to the school at about 6:40.  Now, according to school is 18 miles away from Brie's apartment and takes about 25 minutes.  Ha...MapQuest doesn't account for traffic jams..let alone Chicago traffic in general!  Nope, let's take 25 minutes to 1 HOUR and 20 MINUTES!  Yes, I went 18 miles and it took me that long!  Can you believe that?! I have now truly experienced Chicago traffic and it is going to take me along time to get used to :).  Anyways, I finally arrived at school at about 7:50-8:00.  I met my teacher...she's AWESOME!  I met the kids...they are AWESOME! And I got to see the school...absolutely AWESOME!  I am truly falling in love with the school already and I absolutely cannot wait to get ready.  I was at the school until about 1:00 and then I had the rest of the day to explore...that's what I was thinking anways.  Nope...I got home at 2:30-3:00!  I tried to take the main freeway back to Brie's house..bad idea.  Then I got lost because the GPS only wanted me to go on the freeway and I was refusing :).  Haha, I know...I'm stubborn.  Anyways..I got back to Brie's apartment where she was patiently waiting for me :) Such a sweet girl I tell ya.  I told her I didn't want to be in a car ever again haha.  We relaxed for a couple hours and then got all ready and went to explore Oak Park, which is a neighborhood about 15-20 minutes away from Brie's apartment.  We went to have drinks and supper and it was the perfect night with my best friend.  I missed her so much and I cannot wait to move out there and live with her.   We ended our night at about 10:30 because we wanted to get up early to go and explore Chicago on Saturday morning.

Out in Oak Park on Friday night :)

Saturday morning we woke up...had intentions of sleeping in..ha that didn't happen!  We both now know what it means to wake up early and not have a choice because our bodies just can't sleep in anymore.  We called it..."Welcome to the real world!"  We got all ready and we decided to go explore Lincoln Park, Lake Michigan, and many other parts of Chicago.  We didn't want to do ANY shopping on Saturday because we are both tired of shopping, so we decided to dedicate our day to walking around and sightseeing  (look at us..we're finally growing up) and it was the PERFECT day.  It was a gorgeous day in Chicago and we couldn't have asked for a better day to explore and enjoy the nice weather.  Below are a few pictures of our sightseeing day :)

Brie and I in a beautiful park :)

Me in front of Lake Michigan/Chicago skyline
Just me being me :)

Beautiful view :)

Sunday, we woke up early...again.  Ha, actually Gracie (the cat) woke me up and then I decided to wake Brie up!  Whoops :)!  Anyways, we got up..showered..and packed up because it was time for me to leave.  I arrived back in Iowa City at about 3:45 and got picked up by my beautiful, very pregnant sister!! :) We went and watched Paul play some flag football and then headed home for the night.  I stayed at their house on Sunday night because I figured that's the last night I'll get to spend with the two of them and not have a baby around :) Better enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts Brooke and Paul!  I cannot be any more excited for my niece or nephew to come.  I will from this day on text Brooke every day during my lunch break and say, "Is there a baby yet?!!" Haha, she will be annoyed with me :).  Hang in there sis...not too much longer :) Less than 10 days!!! How exciting.

Anyways, I want to conclude this blog post with saying that I cannot be more thankful to have two sisters...not only two sisters but two of the best friends any girl could ask for.  They are both truly amazing and I have no idea where I'd be without them.  They literally complete my life.  This weekend was the best weekend I have had in such a long time and I could not be more thankful for the two of them.  

These next two weeks are going to fly and I am so excited to move to Chicago and experience city life...but I am so sad to leave Becker Elementary and my kindergartners...I am going to miss them so much.  

Thanks all for listening.  

September is FLYING!

The month of September is absolutely flying.  I am so sorry I haven't been blogging but my life and everything happening in it is truly flying by!  I can't even keep up with what's going on in my life anymore!! Let me update you on my week last week!

Well first off, harvest season has begun...and we all know what that means...Dad is busy!!! :) But no worries, I still found time to ride with him and feel like a kid again.  Absolutely my most favorite thing to do <3.    Shout out to Dad for being the best farmer/father any girl could ask for!  Also, quick happy birthday to him...he celebrated four days ago :)!  Happy Birthday Dad!! :)

Second off, last week in school...was my first FULL WEEK of teaching!! Yep, that's right.  I had those kindergartners all to myself ALL WEEK :)!  I couldn't have asked for it to go more perfectly.  The kids are awesome, my coworkers are awesome, and I have so much to be thankful for.  The kindergartners finally can say my name...yes it's a tough name to say when you're losing teeth every day ;)!  Anyways, it went awesome and I taught so many things and the students soaked everything in and right now, they are seriously like sponges.  They are soaking in everything I say plus more and it is so amazing to see.  I absolutely LOVE them!  I am going to miss them...and thinking about the fact that I only have two more weeks with them (starting this week) just makes me sad to even think about.  I am going to miss them SO MUCH.  Who can't love kids that call you pretty every day, love giving you hugs, and ask you any question that comes to mind?! They are absolutely precious and if you ever get the chance...just step into a kindergarten classroom sometime.  You will truly fall in love with the kids in an instant...I did.

I have been so busy teaching full time and working on lesson planning that I haven't had time to catch up with friends, grandparents, or even my own parents.  No worries, I have not forgotten about ANY of you, but these next few weeks are going to be a bit crazy so I hope you all understand.  Thanks so much for listening and I hope I get to see all of you very soon! 

Thanks for all the prayers.  Until next time, stay safe.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's been awhile...

It has been almost a week since I have blogged...but this last weekend and past few days have been soooo busy and I just have been worn out at night!  So this post won't be long, but it'll update you on a few quick details :)

Last weekend...

Last weekend I spent the weekend in Iowa City with my two sisters, bro-in-law, and a couple friends.  We enjoyed tailgating for the Hawks game and then also went downtown Iowa City to watch the game.  Let me tell you...these busy weekends are not doing my body any good on sleep or any good on my teacher work sample..(yes, that HUGE paper I have to do) :)!  Haha, but it was a great time...and it was so much fun to hangout with my sisters and just spend some quality time together.

Tailgating crew :)

Past few days...

These past few days, I have been working with and teaching the students alot more than I was the week before.  Also, this is our first week we actually have three FULL days of school so the students might actually be able to get into a routine :)!  Things have been going wonderful and the students are learning so quickly and let me tell you....they absolutely melt my heart each and every day I am with them.  I can't believe that after this week...I only have three more weeks with them :(.  It's sad and I don't want to talk about it.  I'm going to miss all of them so much.  This week, I have now started to take over almost the entire classroom day..I am doing morning meeting, reading workshops, large group reading, math and centers.  The only thing left to take over next week is writing!  And then, I will be the full time teacher in the classroom for TWO WEEKS!  I am so excited! :)  

If you are wondering what we are learning in kindergarten...which alot of people do wonder because they can't remember that far back...I will list a few things below:

        -Math: sorting things by shape, color, size, etc., counting (Numbers 1-20), writing numbers, etc.

        -Reading: learning how to read to themselves (3 different ways to read), letters (sounds and key words), sight words (50 for kindergaten)

        -Writing: writing names, letters, numbers, etc. 

All of it sounds so basic and probably anyone thinks that they can be a teacher...and I'm not trying to brag myself up or any of my amazing friends that are teachers...but it takes a lot of patience, trust, and smiling to be a teacher.  You have to know how to communicate with children and I think I am blessed with that talent and I thank God every day for it.  

No matter how tired I am before I get to school or how much I am dreading the day...once I get to school, all worries have disappeared because those kids who walk through the door look up to me and I am their teacher, their caregiver, and most of all...their role model.  

Thank you all for listening.  Until next time, stay safe. <3

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Daily 5

The current book I'm reading is The Daily 5: Fostering Literacy Independence in the Elementary Grades.  The Daily 5 is a student-driven management structure designed to fully engage students in reading and writing.  Mrs. Hammar (my cooperating teacher) absolutely loves the Daily 5 and centers her teaching philosophy and classroom management around the Daily 5 and its beliefs.  She gave me the book to read and I am absolutely loving it!  Let me give you a few more details about the Daily 5 and what it consists of...

The Daily 5 is a research-based, data driven management structure to create and produce the most effective reading and writing learning environment for all students.  It has 5 different components to its reading and writing structure.  Below...I have listed the 5 different components and its use in my classroom that I am student teaching in: 

**Note:   Each of these 5 components is considered a "workshop" in our classroom.  In each workshop there are 5-6 students working individually or in pairs to become better in their reading and writing.  It works fantastic!  I absolutely love the workshop model combined with the Daily 5 reading and writing components.  Read below to find out why these 5 components are useful in becoming a better reader and writer and how we are putting them to use in our classroom!

5 Components of the Daily 5:
description of the 5 components & 
the way we use them in our classroom:


1) Read to yourself: 

The best way to become a better reader is to practice each day, with books you choose, on your just-right reading level.  It soon becomes a habit.

In our class:
In our classroom, we are currently teaching the students three different ways to read a book.  As many of you know, many kindergartners cannot read when they begin school.  So, we teach them these three different ways to read a book so that they can get exposed to books and what books have to teach them.  The three different ways to read a book are: Read the words, Read the pictures, or Retell the story in your own words. The students love these different ways to read a book and we are currently having a competition with the other kindergarten classrooms to see how long we can complete the "Read to Self" workshop without ANY talking.  Our class is winning because our awesome kindergartners can read to themselves for 16 minutes and 49 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! They are SO PROUD and we are SO PROUD of them!!!! :)

      2) Read to someone:  

Reading to someone allows for more time to practice strategies, helping you work on fluency and expression, check for understanding, hear your own voice, and share in the learning community.

In our class:
Right now in Mrs. Hammar's class, we have not started the "Read to Someone" workshop because the students are focusing in on the three different ways to read a book.  Once this workshop begins, the students will be in pairs and will read books from their books boxes to one another to practice reading.

      3) Work on writing: 

Just like reading, the best way to become a better writer is to practice writing each day.

In our class:
Right now in our class for writing workshop, we are having the students use their dry erase markers and small, individual whiteboards to practice writing their name, letters, and words they see around the classroom!  They are doing so great with writing...but who doesn't love writing on whiteboards?! It was my favorite thing to do when I was in school! :)

      4) Listen to reading: 

We hear examples of good literature and fluent reading.  We learn more words, thus expanding our vocabulary and becoming better readers.

In our class:
Right now for the listen to reading workshop, we are having the students go onto the computers and put headphones on.  Then, we have navigated them to a website where the stories are read to them for free!  It is so awesome.  The students can pick their stories and it provides them with a great way to hear the book being read and also be able to see the pictures in the book.  Below is the website for this free story listening!  Check it out! :)

      5) Spelling/Word Work: 

Correct spelling allows for more fluent writing, thus speeding up the ability to write and get thinking down on paper.  This is an essential foundation for writers. 

In our class:
Currently, our students are not the best spellers so right now...we are having them use cookie sheets and magnetic letters to make words that they see around the classroom or we have given them flashcards that show their sight words that they can also practice spelling with the magnetic letters.  They love it!  Below is a picture of the magnetic letters being used on cookie sheets! (Thanks Pinterest!!) :)

That is a little description of the Daily 5 and what it all entails.  It is an awesome management and workshop strategy and I encourage every aspiring teacher to check it out.  I was a little confused with Mrs. Hammar's teaching strategies when I first started student teaching with her...but after beginning this book it all makes perfect sense and I absolutely LOVE IT! :) The students do awesome during workshops and the 5 components could not be better focused on during workshops.  It is phenomenal!  

Until next time...stay safe.  Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I got your back. Do you got mine?

Today my students showed me that if I look out for them, they will look out for me.  They proved to me that if I have their back...they will have mine.  No, this isn't as serious as I'm making it sound, but it is an absolutely hilarious story that happened to me today and my students just keep proving to me why I want to be a teacher.  So, read ahead to hear the story :)!

My students go to lunch and then to I don't see them for almost an hour of the day.  However, once the recess bell rings...they are all mine again and I cannot be more thankful for that!  I went to pick them up outside from recess and we were walking back into our classroom...when my line leader shouts out (he's the cutest thing EVER)..."Miss Nederhoff...I know I'm not supposed to talk when we're walking in a line...but there is a HUGE bug on you!!!"  Hahahahaha!  It was absolutely hilarious and as much as I tried not to freak out (I HATE BUGS!), I let out a little scream...but then preceded to kicking the bug off of the back of my leg.  Needless to say, my kindergartners thought it was hilarious and I thought it was just as funny.  They respect me so much and know they aren't supposed to talk in line but it was so cute the way he said it and I just couldn't help but smile at him :).  

What an awesome day I had today!  As lots of you know...I have been doing the morning meeting every morning for about a week now.  It's going really great.  And today, I got to pick up another part of the classroom day and that part was Math.  Today is the first day I have EVER taught math to any students and needless to say, I was soooo nervous.  However, it went very well and I taught them the purpose of a calender and why it is so important to have.  Look at me...I'm teaching them how to plan ahead and I hardly do that ;)! Haha!  It was such a great day and my students are continuing to bless me with so many amazing memories and I am so happy I have come in and made an impact on each and every one of these students and their lives.  They are truly some of the best kids and I can't help but smile and thank God every time I think of them and every time I get to interact with them and teach them.   They are truly the best.  

As for today...from my hilarious but so meaningful experience...these students have my back...and I got theirs.

I am so blessed to say I get to work with an amazing teacher and a life-changing group of kids.  They are hard workers but definitely know how to laugh when they need to :).  It is the best and I come out of school every day smiling...and I know they do too.  

Thank you all for listening.  Stay safe.  Love you.

Labor Day Weekend 2012

Happy Monday everyone! :) Oh wait, it's Tuesday already!  What an awesome start to a week!  However, I have lots to update you on about this past weekend!  So, let's get started! :)

My week was awesome at school and we ended up getting out early Thursday AND Friday at 1:30 because it was so hot out.  Yes, I was a little bit sad ;) but, this means that my mom and I were able to get on the road alot earlier because she got out of school early also!  So, we loaded up the old Ford pickup and the boat and were on our way to Iowa City in no time.  We got on the road about 2:45 and arrived at Sugar Bottom Campground outside of North Liberty at about 4:45.  Let me tell was a long two hour drive, but I got a little nap in so that was good :)!  Friday night we had BBQ pulled pork sandwiches out at the campground.  It was delicious!  Then, we called it an early night because we were all very tired.

Saturday we woke up and had hangover breakfast (no, we didn't have hangovers haha) and then decided to go out on the boat and cruise around a little bit!  Below is a picture of Brie and I supporting our Hawkeyes on the boat before going to watch the game!  It was awesome to see all of the Hawkeye gear and support on the lake!  Everyone LOVES the Hawks! :)


Once we were done cruisin around on the boat, we then headed to a local bar to watch the Hawkeye game!  It was a nice place to watch the game with a huge T.V. and drink we were satisfied to say the least :)!  Below is a few pictures of my sisters, Paul, and I enjoying the game.  Mom and Dad also joined in on the festivities but we never got a picture of all of us :(


Once the game was over, we then returned to the camper where we had lasagna in the dutch oven.  YUMMY! :) I'm so happy my parents still cook over the campfire because campfire food is the best! :)  Saturday night, my friend Kelly (who lives in Solon) came out to the campground and we were able to catch up and chat for awhile!  It was so good seeing her because I have missed her alot and she's such a good friend.  We also made time to make a s'more over the campfire :)!

Sunday was the day reserved for boating!! Brie and I spent 8 hours on the boat on Sunday and we definitely got an awesome tan, sore muscles, and so many funny and amazing memories!  We had a blast!  Mom and Dad joined us for awhile on the boat, but we also had the boat to ourselves for alot of the time!  It was fun to catch up with her and spend time with her because we haven't been able to spend alot of time together since she moved to Chicago.  Here is a picture of us enjoying our day/night on the lake :)


We had an awesome day out on the lake and here is a few pics of Brie and I skiing by ourselves :)

I asked Brie to do silly poses :) Haha! 
What a rockstar!

To top off a great weekend, we hit the lake for a few hours on Monday to catch a few rays and to make a few more memories!  We had lots of giggles and frightening screams (tons of fish were jumping out at me when I was me for more details) :)!  I have never seen so many fish in my life :)!  Well, that tops off a great weekend with my family and I couldn't be more thankful to have a family that is so close and can enjoy so many amazing things all together.  I am so thankful and so blessed to have such an amazing family.  They are truly the best.  Love all of you!  

Until next time, stay safe!  :)