Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I got your back. Do you got mine?

Today my students showed me that if I look out for them, they will look out for me.  They proved to me that if I have their back...they will have mine.  No, this isn't as serious as I'm making it sound, but it is an absolutely hilarious story that happened to me today and my students just keep proving to me why I want to be a teacher.  So, read ahead to hear the story :)!

My students go to lunch and then to recess...so I don't see them for almost an hour of the day.  However, once the recess bell rings...they are all mine again and I cannot be more thankful for that!  I went to pick them up outside from recess and we were walking back into our classroom...when my line leader shouts out (he's the cutest thing EVER)..."Miss Nederhoff...I know I'm not supposed to talk when we're walking in a line...but there is a HUGE bug on you!!!"  Hahahahaha!  It was absolutely hilarious and as much as I tried not to freak out (I HATE BUGS!), I let out a little scream...but then preceded to kicking the bug off of the back of my leg.  Needless to say, my kindergartners thought it was hilarious and I thought it was just as funny.  They respect me so much and know they aren't supposed to talk in line but it was so cute the way he said it and I just couldn't help but smile at him :).  

What an awesome day I had today!  As lots of you know...I have been doing the morning meeting every morning for about a week now.  It's going really great.  And today, I got to pick up another part of the classroom day and that part was Math.  Today is the first day I have EVER taught math to any students and needless to say, I was soooo nervous.  However, it went very well and I taught them the purpose of a calender and why it is so important to have.  Look at me...I'm teaching them how to plan ahead and I hardly do that ;)! Haha!  It was such a great day and my students are continuing to bless me with so many amazing memories and I am so happy I have come in and made an impact on each and every one of these students and their lives.  They are truly some of the best kids and I can't help but smile and thank God every time I think of them and every time I get to interact with them and teach them.   They are truly the best.  

As for today...from my hilarious but so meaningful experience...these students have my back...and I got theirs.

I am so blessed to say I get to work with an amazing teacher and a life-changing group of kids.  They are hard workers but definitely know how to laugh when they need to :).  It is the best and I come out of school every day smiling...and I know they do too.  

Thank you all for listening.  Stay safe.  Love you.

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