Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Fun!

I went to visit my sister last weekend in Chicago...not only did I visit my sister, but I got to visit the school I will be student teaching at in two weeks!!! Oh. My. Gosh. I cannot even describe how excited I let me fill you in on my most eventful and memorable weekend! :)

I hopped on the Mega Bus in Iowa City at 7:10 on Thursday to Chicago around 11:30 Thursday night.  My sister had found that the school I am student teaching at is only 2 miles away from Union Station (where I get dropped off at) so we decided to brave the community and go check out my school!  Here's a picture of my school from the night we went and checked it out.  It's a little dark, but at least you can put a picture to school when I talk about it from now on :)  Doesn't it look like my old elementary school in Wellsburg?! :)

William H. Brown School of Technology - Chicago, Illinois

I had planned with my teacher from the school to come in and meet her, the kids, and get a tour of the school.  Let me first tell you...Friday was the most eventful day I have had in quite awhile :).  Friday morning, I woke up at 5:45.  SO EARLY.  My eyes don't see that time very often :).  Anyways, woke ready...and I was on my way to the school at about 6:40.  Now, according to school is 18 miles away from Brie's apartment and takes about 25 minutes.  Ha...MapQuest doesn't account for traffic jams..let alone Chicago traffic in general!  Nope, let's take 25 minutes to 1 HOUR and 20 MINUTES!  Yes, I went 18 miles and it took me that long!  Can you believe that?! I have now truly experienced Chicago traffic and it is going to take me along time to get used to :).  Anyways, I finally arrived at school at about 7:50-8:00.  I met my teacher...she's AWESOME!  I met the kids...they are AWESOME! And I got to see the school...absolutely AWESOME!  I am truly falling in love with the school already and I absolutely cannot wait to get ready.  I was at the school until about 1:00 and then I had the rest of the day to explore...that's what I was thinking anways.  Nope...I got home at 2:30-3:00!  I tried to take the main freeway back to Brie's house..bad idea.  Then I got lost because the GPS only wanted me to go on the freeway and I was refusing :).  Haha, I know...I'm stubborn.  Anyways..I got back to Brie's apartment where she was patiently waiting for me :) Such a sweet girl I tell ya.  I told her I didn't want to be in a car ever again haha.  We relaxed for a couple hours and then got all ready and went to explore Oak Park, which is a neighborhood about 15-20 minutes away from Brie's apartment.  We went to have drinks and supper and it was the perfect night with my best friend.  I missed her so much and I cannot wait to move out there and live with her.   We ended our night at about 10:30 because we wanted to get up early to go and explore Chicago on Saturday morning.

Out in Oak Park on Friday night :)

Saturday morning we woke up...had intentions of sleeping in..ha that didn't happen!  We both now know what it means to wake up early and not have a choice because our bodies just can't sleep in anymore.  We called it..."Welcome to the real world!"  We got all ready and we decided to go explore Lincoln Park, Lake Michigan, and many other parts of Chicago.  We didn't want to do ANY shopping on Saturday because we are both tired of shopping, so we decided to dedicate our day to walking around and sightseeing  (look at us..we're finally growing up) and it was the PERFECT day.  It was a gorgeous day in Chicago and we couldn't have asked for a better day to explore and enjoy the nice weather.  Below are a few pictures of our sightseeing day :)

Brie and I in a beautiful park :)

Me in front of Lake Michigan/Chicago skyline
Just me being me :)

Beautiful view :)

Sunday, we woke up early...again.  Ha, actually Gracie (the cat) woke me up and then I decided to wake Brie up!  Whoops :)!  Anyways, we got up..showered..and packed up because it was time for me to leave.  I arrived back in Iowa City at about 3:45 and got picked up by my beautiful, very pregnant sister!! :) We went and watched Paul play some flag football and then headed home for the night.  I stayed at their house on Sunday night because I figured that's the last night I'll get to spend with the two of them and not have a baby around :) Better enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts Brooke and Paul!  I cannot be any more excited for my niece or nephew to come.  I will from this day on text Brooke every day during my lunch break and say, "Is there a baby yet?!!" Haha, she will be annoyed with me :).  Hang in there sis...not too much longer :) Less than 10 days!!! How exciting.

Anyways, I want to conclude this blog post with saying that I cannot be more thankful to have two sisters...not only two sisters but two of the best friends any girl could ask for.  They are both truly amazing and I have no idea where I'd be without them.  They literally complete my life.  This weekend was the best weekend I have had in such a long time and I could not be more thankful for the two of them.  

These next two weeks are going to fly and I am so excited to move to Chicago and experience city life...but I am so sad to leave Becker Elementary and my kindergartners...I am going to miss them so much.  

Thanks all for listening.  

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