Monday, September 24, 2012

September is FLYING!

The month of September is absolutely flying.  I am so sorry I haven't been blogging but my life and everything happening in it is truly flying by!  I can't even keep up with what's going on in my life anymore!! Let me update you on my week last week!

Well first off, harvest season has begun...and we all know what that means...Dad is busy!!! :) But no worries, I still found time to ride with him and feel like a kid again.  Absolutely my most favorite thing to do <3.    Shout out to Dad for being the best farmer/father any girl could ask for!  Also, quick happy birthday to him...he celebrated four days ago :)!  Happy Birthday Dad!! :)

Second off, last week in school...was my first FULL WEEK of teaching!! Yep, that's right.  I had those kindergartners all to myself ALL WEEK :)!  I couldn't have asked for it to go more perfectly.  The kids are awesome, my coworkers are awesome, and I have so much to be thankful for.  The kindergartners finally can say my name...yes it's a tough name to say when you're losing teeth every day ;)!  Anyways, it went awesome and I taught so many things and the students soaked everything in and right now, they are seriously like sponges.  They are soaking in everything I say plus more and it is so amazing to see.  I absolutely LOVE them!  I am going to miss them...and thinking about the fact that I only have two more weeks with them (starting this week) just makes me sad to even think about.  I am going to miss them SO MUCH.  Who can't love kids that call you pretty every day, love giving you hugs, and ask you any question that comes to mind?! They are absolutely precious and if you ever get the chance...just step into a kindergarten classroom sometime.  You will truly fall in love with the kids in an instant...I did.

I have been so busy teaching full time and working on lesson planning that I haven't had time to catch up with friends, grandparents, or even my own parents.  No worries, I have not forgotten about ANY of you, but these next few weeks are going to be a bit crazy so I hope you all understand.  Thanks so much for listening and I hope I get to see all of you very soon! 

Thanks for all the prayers.  Until next time, stay safe.  

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