Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sharing some exciting news...

As many of you know, while working towards my Bachelor of Arts in Education, I also took time to receive my Coaching Authorization as I have always had a love for sports and coaching is something I think I would really enjoy.

After numerous applications to teaching jobs, coaching jobs, etc., I have received a callback!

Next Tuesday at 2:00, I have an interview for a High School Girls' Assistant Track Coach!  I am not going to state the location as of right now, but I wanted to share the exciting news with all of you!  I am very excited as track has always been a passion of mine, as many of you know, and if I can share that passion with high school girls and hopefully help them to achieve great success as I did, my job as a coach will be fulfilled.

So, keep your fingers crossed, pray that my interview goes well, and I will hopefully share some even MORE EXCITING news with you very soon....!!! :)

Thanks all for listening...until next time, stay safe. <3

I AM...

I AM...
more than "just a teacher."

1) I AM someone they trust, they confide in, and hope to see each and every day they come to school.

Kids remember you, and when you aren't there....they worry about you, ask about you, and wait for you to come back.  After spending one day with my students (Tuesday) and not spending the rest of the week with them because of different trainings I had to attend, my students were worried that I was never coming back.  It made me feel good to know that they cared about me and that they wanted me as their teacher.  Even though I wasn't in their classroom from 7-3, I always came back each night to work in my classroom and they always shouted, "MISS BRITTANE! YOU'RE BACK! ARE YOU STAYING?!"  Knowing your students want you and miss you when you're gone is one of the most rewarding things in my career.

2) I AM a teacher, an organizer, a planner, a designer, a communicator to parents, a role model, and the list could keep going...but I will stop there.  

As my parents could back me up on this, I literally spent about 10-11 hours each day this week at work, whether it be at trainings, working on things with my coworkers, or organizing and designing my classroom.  Yes, I am a first year teacher, but I believe I am a dedicated educator who wants the best for each and every one of my students; therefore, I am going to put in the work that is needed to make that possible.  Throughout this week, I have organized my classroom by going through all the materials, created lesson plans for the next two weeks, designed different things for the classroom such as learning center signs, behavior management sign,  student job signs, etc. (Pictures to come soon!)  Through this week, I have learned that teaching is not just a 7:00-3:00 job and it never will be.  However, I appreciate that and that is one of the reasons I love my career.  Teaching and educating students is on my mind whether I am at school, at home, or on the road.  I am always thinking of how I can improve my teaching, my classroom, and most importantly, how I can better my instruction so that my students can achieve everything they set their minds to!

3) I AM responsible for the future of our society, as I have the first impact on each and every student's educational careers.

Being a teacher is so important in the future of our society, as we determine the paths of our students by educating them on the basic core curriculum as well as educating them in future careers that they might possibly have, whether it be a teacher, a police officer, a farmer, an accountant, an engineer.  We determine how interested they are in each and every one of those careers as we are responsible for the exposure we give them during their education at school.  As a preschool teacher, I am lucky to have the students who are just entering their school years and are eager to learn and literally soak up everything they hear, see, interact with, etc.  Their brains are like sponges and it is so amazing to see the way their little minds literally soak in everything and remember EVERYTHING...yes, even if you forget to put makeup on...THEY WILL NOTICE! :)  Being a preschool teacher is the best career because I am so lucky to have students who are passionate about school and life and want to be at school and learn whatever I want to teach them.  Therefore, in preschool, we take advantage of this by exposing them to many different themes, such as health (dental, doctor, vet, etc.), different holidays, different concepts (alphabet, numbers, phonics, etc.).  I am responsible for the future of these kids, but more imporantly, I am responsible for the future of our society.

Do me a favor:

Next time you see someone, meet someone, or even know someone that is a teacher, take a second to thank them and show how much you appreciate what they do, because without teachers, where would our world be today?  Think about it, we all went to school for a reason, and without teachers, none of us would have been able to graduate from elementary school, high school, or most importantly, college.  Take a second, a minute, however long you have to truly thank a teacher for what they are doing.  Because everyone knows teachers aren't in it for the money, they are in it because they truly love kids and want the best life for each and every one of their students.

After being in a classroom for just one week, not even teaching, I have learned that...

 I AM more than "just a teacher."

Thank you all for listening...until next time, stay safe. <3

Friday, January 11, 2013

Great news ahead...


After hours and hours of job hunting, filling out numerous applications, and depressing days with nothing to do.....I am officially employed!!!

I am now a preschool teacher at 
Community United Child Care Center in Cedar Falls, Iowa!!!  

I am so happy I can now say I am employed and even though it isn't in a school system, I find that God has led me this way for a reason and I am trusting in him to show me that this is the right decision and that nothing but greatness lies ahead of me.

Today was my first day of orientation at CUCCC and I got to meet my students....all 25 of them!  Yep, that's right! I'm in charge of 25 4 & 5 year olds! Seems crazy, but they are truly remarkable kids and have already touched my heart after only spending two hours with them.

Though my students are great as well as my assistant teacher and the staff at CUCCC, I did leave today with a little anxiety and feelings of overwhelmedness (not sure that's a word...but today I'm making it one!).  The classroom I can now call my own is wonderful, but packed with lots of stuff.  So, throughout the next week I have more training and orientation as well as lots of organizing and going through things to figure out what I want to keep and what I want to throw out!  That is the shortened version of my day, so if you would like to hear everything, give me a call and I will tell you all about it!

As I go through this journey, I will be uploading pictures of my classroom, students, and the work we are doing in the classroom!  I hope you all choose to join me in this journey and enjoy what lies ahead...

Until then, stay safe and thanks for listening to this great news I shared with you! <3


This will be one short post...but one VERY IMPORTANT post....

Truly the BEST Christmas present ever....


How exciting huh?! Needless to say, I danced around the house singing to my family, "I DID IT! I DID IT! I REALLY REALLY DID IT!"  Yes, I acted like a little kid but who wouldn't after seeing all their hard work pay off after four and a half years of college?!

Wow, I still cannot believe that I am done with college and am moving into the "career" part of my life!  I don't like to call it a career though...I like to call it my "love" part of my life, because from now on, I get to do something I LOVE every day of my life...and that is educate and care for children the rest of my life.  What a great feeling and what an amazing future I have made for myself.  I am so blessed to say that I get to do something I love for the rest of my life.  What an amazing feeling.

I would just like to close this post with saying thank my parents, sisters, grandparents, friends, professors, etc. who shaped this part of my life and encouraged me to stick with it even when times got tough.  I cannot be more thankful for the people in my life who have helped me get to this point of my life.

Until next time...stay safe.  Thanks for listening! <3

Wrapping up 2012!

Even though it's about half way into January now....let's rewind back to December!

As I stated in my last blog post, I have completed my student teaching and it was time to leave the city (Chicago).  As much as I hate to say it, I was ready to move home.

However, before I got to move home, I got to enjoy about ten days nannying for my sister, Brooke and brother-in-law, Paul.  They trusted me enough to leave Miss Emma (my niece) with me for eight days! :) Proud auntie!! :) Below is a few pictures of Emma and I spending our days together while I was watching her at Brooke and Paul's home...

Emma and I (the teacher) having learning time! She loved the iPad!

Chubby cheeks :)
Once I finished up nannying, I then got to move home...unpack my car and everything!  Needless to say...Mom and Dad were pretty happy to have me home again ;)!  They definitely missed me! :)

I moved home and then began preparing for Christmas festivities.  Christmas is truly the best time of the year....getting to celebrate Jesus's birth as well as getting to see all of my family come together and celebrate the reason for the season.  I am so truly blessed to have such an amazing family to share the holidays with.  Below are a few pictures from the holidays....I don't have many but a few will do! :)

Enjoying lasagna Christmas Eve with the Nederhoff cousins!
Brie and I Christmas morning!
Emma & I Christmas morning!

I'm going to end this post with saying that I am so truly blessed and I can't thank God enough for the family, friends, and experiences he has provided me with.  I am such a lucky girl and thank God so much for all the memories he provided for me in 2012.

Until next time....stay safe and thanks for listening! <3

Better late then never...

Better late then never....

Wow, I am so sorry that I have not blogged in forever....but time has been flying and my life has been moving so quickly.  Let me update you on what has happened in the past two months....

Well, first and foremost, I have finished my student teaching!  Below is a picture of my preschoolers, teachers, and I on my last day at William H. Brown Elementary in Chicago, IL.

Let me close my student teaching experience with saying that I truly enjoyed every single minute of student teaching.  Not only did I love all my students and teachers, but I have been blessed with so much knowledge and insight on what it takes to be a great teacher!  I cannot thank my cooperating teachers as well as my students enough for what they have taught me and the experiences they blessed me with.  Student teaching was truly a remarkable experience and I wish time would have slowed down so I could have truly soaked it all in and not felt like my head was spinning the entire a good way! :)   I truly had the best time both in Waterloo and in Chicago and got to see two completely different ways of life, school, etc.   I hope I can educate children just as well as my cooperating teachers do...they are truly amazing women.

It was an amazing experience and I thank God everyday for letting me experience what I did in order to better shape me as an individual as well as a future teacher.

As a closing, I just want to ask you all to pray for my students that I had an impact on during my student teaching experience.  Though you will never meet them, they are truly remarkable students with amazing smiles, hard-working attitudes, but most of all, caring personalities.  I have never loved two groups of students so much in my life, and I cried both times I left my classes.  I can't imagine how I'll be when I have to leave a group of students after having an entire school year with them....I don't want to think about it!

Thanks all for listening....until next time, stay safe. <3