Friday, January 11, 2013

Better late then never...

Better late then never....

Wow, I am so sorry that I have not blogged in forever....but time has been flying and my life has been moving so quickly.  Let me update you on what has happened in the past two months....

Well, first and foremost, I have finished my student teaching!  Below is a picture of my preschoolers, teachers, and I on my last day at William H. Brown Elementary in Chicago, IL.

Let me close my student teaching experience with saying that I truly enjoyed every single minute of student teaching.  Not only did I love all my students and teachers, but I have been blessed with so much knowledge and insight on what it takes to be a great teacher!  I cannot thank my cooperating teachers as well as my students enough for what they have taught me and the experiences they blessed me with.  Student teaching was truly a remarkable experience and I wish time would have slowed down so I could have truly soaked it all in and not felt like my head was spinning the entire a good way! :)   I truly had the best time both in Waterloo and in Chicago and got to see two completely different ways of life, school, etc.   I hope I can educate children just as well as my cooperating teachers do...they are truly amazing women.

It was an amazing experience and I thank God everyday for letting me experience what I did in order to better shape me as an individual as well as a future teacher.

As a closing, I just want to ask you all to pray for my students that I had an impact on during my student teaching experience.  Though you will never meet them, they are truly remarkable students with amazing smiles, hard-working attitudes, but most of all, caring personalities.  I have never loved two groups of students so much in my life, and I cried both times I left my classes.  I can't imagine how I'll be when I have to leave a group of students after having an entire school year with them....I don't want to think about it!

Thanks all for listening....until next time, stay safe. <3

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