Friday, January 11, 2013

Wrapping up 2012!

Even though it's about half way into January now....let's rewind back to December!

As I stated in my last blog post, I have completed my student teaching and it was time to leave the city (Chicago).  As much as I hate to say it, I was ready to move home.

However, before I got to move home, I got to enjoy about ten days nannying for my sister, Brooke and brother-in-law, Paul.  They trusted me enough to leave Miss Emma (my niece) with me for eight days! :) Proud auntie!! :) Below is a few pictures of Emma and I spending our days together while I was watching her at Brooke and Paul's home...

Emma and I (the teacher) having learning time! She loved the iPad!

Chubby cheeks :)
Once I finished up nannying, I then got to move home...unpack my car and everything!  Needless to say...Mom and Dad were pretty happy to have me home again ;)!  They definitely missed me! :)

I moved home and then began preparing for Christmas festivities.  Christmas is truly the best time of the year....getting to celebrate Jesus's birth as well as getting to see all of my family come together and celebrate the reason for the season.  I am so truly blessed to have such an amazing family to share the holidays with.  Below are a few pictures from the holidays....I don't have many but a few will do! :)

Enjoying lasagna Christmas Eve with the Nederhoff cousins!
Brie and I Christmas morning!
Emma & I Christmas morning!

I'm going to end this post with saying that I am so truly blessed and I can't thank God enough for the family, friends, and experiences he has provided me with.  I am such a lucky girl and thank God so much for all the memories he provided for me in 2012.

Until next time....stay safe and thanks for listening! <3

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