Monday, October 1, 2012

One week left!

I cannot believe I only have ONE WEEK left with my kindergartners at Fred Becker Elementary.

Time has flown by and I am starting to become really sad knowing that I only get four more days with my amazing kindergarten class.  They have literally taught me so much within the last seven weeks and I will never forget them.  This student teaching experience in Waterloo has been one of the most memorable times in my life and even times it was stressful, I could not have asked for a better experience.  The kids are truly a blessing and they are all so talented.  I can't wait to see where they end up.  They are going to do amazing things.

On a brighter note...I still have four days (five...counting today) left with them and I plan on making it the best four days yet!  They are now seeing me as their teacher because I was their full time teacher for the last two weeks.  They come up to me and ask me, "Miss Nederhoff...why aren't you teaching us?!"  What a cute thing to hear!  They look up to me and that is one of the best feelings in the world! :)

Few fun quotes/stories for you that have happened to me within the past couple weeks that I haven't gotten a chance to share with you... :)

One of my little kindergarten girls literally comments on something that I wear EVERY DAY.  She is such a doll...well today, she commented on my earrings saying they were absolutely beautiful and asked if she could have them.  Such a doll.  She gives me at least five hugs a day!! So cute :)!

Another one of my kindergarten boys....comes to me last week while I'm teaching a reading lesson...interrupting my whole lesson.  This is how it went:  I was teaching my lesson when this little boy comes up and starts poking at me.  For those of you who don't know, I am EXTREMELY ticklish!  So, here he is poking me and I'm trying my hardest to ignore him when I finally lean over and say, "What do you need?"  He holds his hand up in front of his mouth like he's whispering a secret to me and says.."I just want you to know you're invited to my birthday party!!!"  Oh my gosh.  Absolutely hilarious and one of the cutest things any kindergartner has ever said to me.  If you're interested in hearing this story just ask me!  It is so much funnier when I tell it in person :)  This story reassured me that I will always be invited to a birthday party no matter how old I am or how much of a loser I am :)!  Absolutely the cutest thing that has happpened to me yet!

There are many more stories I would love to share with you but it's past my bed time and I want to be fully awake these next four days because they are my last four days with my kindergartners.

Until next time...stay safe. Thanks for listening. <3

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