Monday, August 13, 2012

Definition of a Teacher

What is the definition of a teacher?  Does a dictionary say it all?

Stated below is Webster's exact definition of a teacher: 

       Teacher (noun) : One who teaches; a person who's occupation is to instruct.

Now, let me give you my definition of a teacher...which is a quote I have been motivated and inspired by:

"A great teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, 
touches a heart, and shapes the future." -Unknown

This may not be a definition, but in my view, it is exactly what a teacher's life and career looks like.  I am so blessed to say that I have went through four years of intense instruction, field experiences, and numerous ups and downs in the Teacher Education program at the University of Northern Iowa.  In four short months, I can officially call myself a teacher and I could not be more proud of myself.  

You may be asking yourself, "Why four months?  Isn't she done now?"  Well, I almost am, but today, I have officially begun my four month student teaching experience and I am on cloud nine.  My student teaching experience has begun and I couldn't be happier with the way it is going after just one day, but those details will come later!  As for now, enter my blog wanting to learn and I hope those of you who still have yet to choose a career, may consider teaching as your future career. It is an inspiring and rewarding career and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me.  

Enter to learn, but share and enjoy with me all these experiences and memories that are about to be made.

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