Tuesday, August 21, 2012

God is GOOD! :)

If there is one person that has doubted God so many times in the last few months...it is definitely me.  Even though this is a teaching blog and I'm telling of my great experiences...we know everyone is not perfect and I will be the first to admit that.  So let me tell you what I'm feeling right now...and I promise...it's good! :)

I have always been brought up in a Christian family and I could not be more thankful for that.  Being brought up in a "God-centered" home is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Now, I will admit I have doubted God many times because of some events and experiences that he has put me through and has tested my relationship with him.  However, I know that I cannot doubt him because he is so good and amazingly powerful in so many different ways.  I am sharing a personal experience from the past couple weeks that may not be what you all want to hear but it's going to happen anyways! :)

As everyone close knows to me, I have recently moved back home and have been away from some of my closest friends for almost three months now.  It is so hard from going to living on my own to back under my parents' roof and being a minute away from my friends and now being over an hour away from any of them.  Not only that, but I have been through ups and downs with friendships, guys, teaching experiences, etc. and in the end, with all these challenging events being thrown my way, I have never given up praying.  As lonely as I have been at times...my sisters, my parents, and my friends have been the best support system out there.  I know God has a plan for me and everyday I wake up and say, "Brittane, just start over.  Today will be a better day.  Be strong in the Lord and don't ever give up."  As cheesy as that may sound, it motivates me every single day and I begin everyday knowing that it could bring a new beginning.  That new beginning MAY have started today.

It's perfect.

I woke up this morning, surprisingly in a good mood (for those of you who personally know me...you know I am not one to be in a chipper mood in the morning).  However, I woke up and got to get ready with my mom because her bathroom is being renovated...Can you say "bonding?!"  Haha, it was actually great and it was nice to finally have someone getting ready with in the morning.  It let my lonely feeling disappear.  Then, I was actually ready early for work so I had time to make a great lunch to take to school!  Once I was on the road, I was driving and every song that I love came on the radio on my way to work.  That NEVER happens.  So I told myself..."Brittane, this is going to be a good day.  I can just feel it!"  And a good day it was.  I heard some amazing news when I got to school today and that news will be shared later in the weeks of student teaching once it hopefully (cross your fingers) becomes confirmed.  Last night, I specifically prayed to God to show me a way and to lead me in the direction of life he wants me to live...and today, I think I got a hint of his plan and since I'm a very impatient person, want to know the entire plan...RIGHT NOW! :)  I'm writing this blog and explaining to you my amazing day because I am personally asking now that everyone pray for me and tell God to show me his plan and to lead me in the right direction.  This could be a life changing event and I'm very anxious to see how it all turns out.  Again, the details will come if they are later confirmed but for right now, I'm just asking you to simply pray for me and be excited for me because my future holds great things and I can't wait to share all these great things...with you.

Until next time, stay safe.  I love you all.  Thanks so much for the prayers.  I know they will be answered.

And remember...God is good.  Never give up.

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