Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Shout Outs!

A few shout-outs (thank-you's) I must address...

As I have said in one of my recent blog posts...my family has always been supportive of my career and have always been encouraging, inspiring, but most of all, so loving towards me and my busy life of becoming a teacher.  Today when I arrived at home, I found a package...and it just put a huge smile on my face.  I received a Good Luck present from my sister Brooke, who always spoils me with "teachery things" and the nicest, sweetest card that pretty much brought me to tears.  Look below to check out what was in my package....

A huge THANK YOU to Brooke for sending me a goodluck present for my student teaching experience!  So thoughtful and encouraging to realize that someone appreciates what I do and recognizes it in such an amazing way!  Thank you sis, you're the best! :)

Also...a quick and VERY important note...my sister, Brooke and her husband, Paul are expecting their first child in less than TWO months!  I would love to tell you what it's going to be...but they aren't finding out.  Serious disappointment...I know :).  Please send a quick prayer their way to wish them the best in the delivery of their first child and my FIRST niece or nephew!!! So excited for them and their new little blessing that is going to be here sooner than we know it!

Another shout out to my Mom who literally surprises me with new books all the time!  My mom works as a secretary at Grundy Center Elementary School and often, they get rid of books that are of no use to them anymore.  So, even though the books aren't "brand new," they are brand new to me and I love receiving them!  A teacher can never have too many books and I get excited about each and every one I get!  Look below to see the book she brought home to me today! :)

I absolutely cannot wait until I have a Dr. Seuss Unit in my future classroom!  :)

A huge THANK YOU to my mom for always thinking of me when seeing books or any sort of teaching material that will be a resource to me in my future teaching career.  My mom is so thoughtful and I couldn't be more blessed to have such an amazing and caring mother.  She's fantastic <3. 

So...after returning home from school after a very stressful, learning-packed day, I was rewarded with some awesome new materials for my future classroom or even possibly my student teaching experience!  Thanks again Mom and Brooke!  Love you both so much!

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