Sunday, August 26, 2012

Few updates...

Cute thought for the end to a great week/weekend....

Again, I am so happy and so blessed with what is happening in my life right now and I have everyone to parents, my sisters, my grandparents, the teaching staff I am working with, my friends, but most importantly...God.

Here's a few updates on my week/weekend :)!

First, my week was awesome!  The kindergartners had a week of school, but they only had half days so they were only there until noon and then we did testing for the rest of the afternoon.  Testing is being done on each student in kindergarten to find out what academic reading level they are at.  We have found out that our classroom has a wide range of academic levels so it's going to be very difficult to plan for all students within our classroom.  However, it's our job and I know we will be able to do it successfully.  This week was filled with more rules, expectations, and procedures for the kindergartners.  I can definitely tell which students have been to a preschool program and which have not because of their behavior and attention span :).  But, the week went really well and I'm excited to start tomorrow with having the students for full days of school, but I can tell you one thing, I am going to be VERY tired tomorrow night :)!  I will be going to bed early allll week :)

Another thing I've been busy planning for and preparing for is my unit that I am required to teach in order to complete my student teaching successfully.  It's been a rough road trying to figure out what I wanted to make my unit about, but I have finally decided on teaching a math unit and it's focus is going to be Numbers:1-10.   For those of  you who don't know, a unit is a whole bunch of lesson plans and activities to help the students learn a certain curriculum area and its specific focus objectives.  As I said before, my unit is going to be based on learning numbers 1-10 and I will be responsible for teaching the students how to count to 10 orally, how to write the numbers 1-10, and many more things.  I will post my unit on here once I get it all organized and complete :).  Let me tell you...this may be a very long process but I promise you it will get done and it will be awesome! :)

That's really all I have to tell you about right now...I haven't had many experiences in teaching the class all on my own yet, but when I do, I will definitely be sharing the experiences with you.  Hope you're excited to hear about it!

One cute thing I must share with you because it made my ending to a week even better than it already was...

One of our kindergartners brought my teacher and I flowers on Friday :)  What a gentleman huh?! He's going to be a lady's man when he grows up :)  So adorable, but the funniest part is...he took them from his mom's bouquet at home (His Grandma shared this information with us) Haha.  Aren't they gorgeous?!

Sharing with you a few things about my weekend...

I stayed home this weekend again...because I talked to my sister and I told her I kind of felt like a loser staying at home again all weekend with my parents; however, she then informed me that I would be busy the next three weekends with family and Iowa Hawkeye football (GO HAWKS!!!) I decided to stay home and relax again for the weekend...however, my dad had other thoughts in mind.

On Friday night, we layed low at home and made supper and then pretty much went to bed right after.  The Nederhoff household was silent by 9:45 p.m.  Can you say 'old folks?!'  Haha, but we had to get to bed early because Dad was planning on keeping us busy on Saturday.

On Saturday, we primed with paint the entire garage.  As many of you know, we have added on to our house and the only part left to finish was the garage.  So we primed the entire garage...I did all of the walls and Mom and Dad trimmed and did the ceiling.  It was a busy day at the Nederhoff household and after we were finished, Dad informed me that he would treat myself and Mom to supper and that we could pick!!! We take advantage of these moments so we chose Texas Roadhouse.  Yum!  That topped off a perfect Saturday at home :)

On Sunday, we attended church and then came home and when we got home, I then convinced my parents to go boating.  So, as last minute planners, we hurried up and cleaned the boat up so that we could get on the lake as soon as we could.  However, we had a bit of a hold up...check out the picture below :)

We found these kitties in the boat...all nestled up next to the life jackets :) :)!  We were very happy we found these kitties...but they couldn't go on the water with us.  So we gently moved them to a box into the shop and the mommy took them and moved them immediately!  It was a humor-filled moment though :)

So anyways, my Sunday afternoon was spent on the boat at George Wyth Lake with my parents, Alex (my cousin) and two of his friends.  It was a great time and I was happy to finally be out on the water again.  

That concludes my fun-filled week/weekend and I can't wait to write again!

I hope you all had a great weekend!  Stay safe and thanks again for reading! :)

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