Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Less than 12 hours...

Oh. My. Gosh.

It is approximately less than 12 hours until my first day of school with Mrs. Hammar and her kindergarten class and I could not be more excited!  However, I first must inform you of the exciting events that took place today....the day before the first day of school!  Get ready to be...AMAZED! :)

So, according to the school schedule...teachers didn't have to technically be at school until 10:00.  However, for those of you who don't underestimate teachers and see a teacher's job as a very busy and particular understand that teachers can't come in at 10:00 AM the day before school starts.  No way.  So today...we were there at 8:45 AM and I did not leave the school until 6:15 PM.  Let's get a few things straight...a teacher's job isn't as easy as everyone thinks.   Alright, I'm done with my venting...let's move on to the fun and exciting events that I promised you :)!

I arrived at school at 8:45 this morning.  My teacher and I chatted for awhile, and then attended a PBIS meeting.   Mrs. Hammar is the head coach of the PBIS Team at Fred Becker Elementary and for those of you who do not know what PBIS worries, I am going to explain it.  PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.  This PBIS system is a school-wide behavior model that is a model of how all students should act within a school.  I had a background of this behavior model before entering this school; therefore, I could actually understand what was being talked about.. (it was a good and reassuring feeling).  Through this meeting, the PBIS team members discussed which expectations were required for certain areas within the school such as the cafeteria, the hallways, bathrooms, and during recess.  It is a very confusing model if you aren't familiar with the "teacher lingo." :)  However, through this meeting, I learned a lot of different things and realized that a school-wide behavior model isn't easily implemented.  It is a very complex process with many different parts to it, but I am thankful I was able to experience one of these meetings to prepare me for my future teaching career.

After this meeting, we then attended a staff meeting where they polished up the final details...such as the master school schedule, lists of lunch/recess duty (one of the many pleasurable jobs of teaching ;) ), and any questions, comments, or concerns from teachers were answered.

Once this meeting concluded, Mrs. Hammar and I went back to the classroom and began working some more on organization and then attended lunch with the other kindergarten teachers at Pita Pit, and then followed up our lunch with a Scratch cupcake.  For those of you who don't know what Scratch cupcakes're missing out :)!  They are delicious...see picture below.

Don't they look amazing?!?!

When returning from lunch, it was a three hour race against the clock to prepare the classroom for the Fred Becker Preview (aka: Open House).  We had to make finishing touches such as name tags on...literally EVERYTHING (cubbies, lockers, folders, binders, etc.)  It was so much fun doing this part of the organization because it is the fun and creative part of teaching and I'm so organized that I enjoy doing these kinds of things...yes, call me crazy!  :)

Then, the time was here...let's meet the kindergartners!!!

Wow, I don't even know where to begin.  The kindergartners are so incredibly adorable and precious and so in love with school that I was on cloud nine for the entire hour.  The comments they made and the looks on their faces were priceless and in this moment, everything I was doubting was washed away and I could not be more excited for what the next eight weeks bring.  We completed many different things in a fast amount of time with the parents and kids.  We welcomed each family personally, had the parents fill out paperwork, let the kids complete a scavenger hunt of their classroom (see picture below), and organized all their school supplies they had brought.  Yes, each of them was very excited about their pencils, crayons, markers, book bags, etc. :)  Some things never change....and being excited about school supplies is one of them.  Who doesn't love shopping for school supplies?! I can't say a lot about the kids because of privacy issues, but I am honored to say that I have 25 of the cutest and inspiring kids within this classroom and I cannot wait to start working with them.  I am so excited to teach them, make memories with them, and make a positive impact on their life.

Back to School Scavenger Hunt :)

This moment is the moment I've been working toward and waiting for.  I now know that these last four years of college was worth it, and I couldn't be more blessed with where I am in life right now.  I have the most exciting experience of my life starting tomorrow, and I can't wait to begin.  I hope sharing all of this with you shows that teachers aren't just an instructor to kids.  Teachers are mentors, caregivers, role models, and many more roles.  The role a teacher serves makes a lifelong impact on each student they come into contact with.

A student won't remember what you said, 
but they will remember exactly the way you made them feel: 
like they could achieve ANYTHING.

Again, thanks so much for reading...and as you finish up reading this post, I will leave you with a picture of beautiful CHOCOLATE candy bouquet given to me by my parents today as a GOODLUCK present for my first day of student teaching tomorrow!  Thanks Mom and Dad <3!  I cannot thank you enough every day for the support and care you have provided me with every day of my life.  I am so blessed to have you both as my parents because I know I am very lucky and I don't go a night without thanking God for blessing me with two of the most incredible parents in the world.  Love you more than anything!

Stay safe everyone! Thanks again for reading! :) 

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