Thursday, October 25, 2012

Exploring Apples

We have been focusing on fall activities all throughout October...

As you saw before, we explored pumpkins last week.  If you need a reminder, check out my pumpkin exploration bulletin board I made for the classroom! (I'm super proud of it!)

This week in preschool, we are exploring apples.  We are exploring where apples come from, how they grow from trees, the different kinds of apples, etc.  Seems simple, but to's a lot of fun and exciting information and activities all thrown in to one week!  It's amazing that I had an apple tree in my yard at home as a little girl...and some of these students have never seen an apple tree or have even tasted the different kinds of apples that exist. 

However, they got a chance to do that today in our classroom...and they loved it! :)  We had an apple tasting test in preschool!  So neat and the students did awesome with the activity!  We gave them four different kinds of apples to try...Fuji, Granny Smith, Gala, and Honeycrisp.  They were in heaven! :)  Ms. Jackson (our teaching assistant) led this activity during center time.  The students had to taste the four different kinds of apples and then write their name under their favorite on our graph!  Check out the pictures below! :)

Apple Tasting Time

Taste testing the apples!

Voting on their favorite flavor of apple!

Once they completed apple tasting, we then provided another apple activity that I led at a different table.  This activity is called apple stamping and it gave the students a chance to paint with apples and wow, were they ever excited to use paint!  The activity was extremely messy but the kids loved it.  I, as well, got extremely messy and had paint up to my elbows as well as on my clothes!  Thank goodness it's "preschool proof" paint and it will come out of clothes :)!  Look below to see some of the students participating in the apple stamping activity!

Apple Stamping Activity

Again, thanks for listening to all my exciting stories from preschool.  We get to do lots of exciting activities and I love sharing my experiences with all of you!  

Until next time...stay safe.

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