Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Time is flying!!

Wow, this fall is going way too incredibly fast.  I don't even know where my days go anymore.  So much has been happening and I juts can't keep up with it all or find time to blog!  I'm so sorry!

Let me update you on my life the past week and a half...

Last Friday (October 5) was my last day student teaching with my kindergartners at Fred Becker Elementary.  I was so sad to leave them and even cried when I explained to them that Friday was my last day.  Let's be real...who cries in front of kindergartners?!?! This girl did :) And my cooperating teacher even cried.  That means alot to know that she thought so highly of me and didn't want me to leave.  Very inspiring and I'm happy to know that she enjoyed me being there and teaching her students.  After I gave my crying speech to the kids, Mrs. Hammar and the kindergartners then gave me a handmade, homemade, thank-you book.  Each one of my students had made a goodluck and thank-you note and Mrs. Hammar was so sweet and binded them into a book for me.  I wish I could show you pictures but I didn't get a chance to take any and my book is back at home :(.  However, I do have a picture with my kindergartners from my final day with them!  They are angels! :)

Aren't they just adorable?! :)

Continuing about Friday...Friday was a very emotional day for me because it was my last day at Fred Becker with my kindergartners and I began packing that night for Chicago.  As much as I had said earlier I was ready to move away from home and be on my own again...I cried.  Parts of me are so independent but I know I am so blessed to have two amazing and loving parents and I didn't necessarily want to leave my home.  It's been my home for 22 years and it's definitely a change moving 5 hours away from them.  So anyways, Friday was my ending to one student teaching experience and today brought a new beginning for my next student teaching experience!  Enjoy this funny video of Brie's kitty and her love for playing with ponytails!! It's hilarious!! :)

After Friday night, I was refreshed and had a fun-filled weekend in Omaha where i visited one of my friends. We went to the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge in Omaha and it was awesome!  It was a perfect day on Sunday and I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend my Sunday!  My weekend was so fun and as much as driving was totally worth it.

So gorgeous!! 

Nebraska/Iowa state line

I then began on my way to Chicago on Monday morning...but made a pit stop in Iowa City to see my niece for a couple hours!!  For those of you who don't oldest sister and her husband welcomed a baby girl into this world last Wednesday...October 3, 2012.  They welcomed Emma Rae O'Kane at 7:33 P.M. weighing in at 7 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long!  She is an absolute angel!! :)  Check out the pictures below...she's in the outfit I gave her! :)

Proud Auntie!! :)

So precious!!

Monday evening I arrived in Chicago at about 4:30 P.M.  My sister was anxiously awaiting my arrival and welcomed me with a huge hug and a big smile!  We are so excited to be living together for the next 8 weeks because we haven't lived together since we were in high school!  That was 5 years ago!  So crazy! :) Monday night we enjoyed catching up and unpacking and then went to Panda Express for supper.  Yum!! We could tell we hadn't been with each other for awhile because we didn't go to bed til 1 AM on Tuesday morning!  We were too excited to be having a slumber party!! :) that I've updated you on my life for the past week and a half (again...I apologize)... I hope you all understand and I thank you all for your amazing support and love.  I will try and keep you updated as much as possible but living in a city may be a very big distraction!!

Until next time...stay safe and thanks for listening! <3

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